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2390 results for health insurance
2390 results for health insurance

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Two out of three companies taking measures to withstand economic recession

Nearly 70 of companies in the Netherlands report having taken measures to survive the effects of the economic recession.


Consumer prices 1.7 percent up in 2018

Consumer prices rose by 1.7 percent on average in 2018 relative to the previous year.


Educational institutions; Finances 1998-2018

Education finance, income, costs, assets, liabilities, current ratio. Income statement, balance sheet, investments, performance indicators.


65-year-olds live longer without physical limitations, but suffer more from chronic diseases

The life expectancy for 65-year-olds has risen over the past three decades. They live longer and the period, during which they define their health as good after reaching the age of 65 is also longer....


Employees put less aside in life course schemes

Employees in the Netherlands saved 840 million euro in life course savings and insurance schemes in 2007. This is 70 million euro less than in 2006.


The Netherlands on the European scale 2019

The Netherlands on the European scale 2019 with facts and figures on the Netherlands in comparison with the rest of the EU.


Supplementary table on pensions for the Netherlands

The international national accounting standards provide a somewhat scattered picture of pension arrangements.


Balance sheets of financial corporations

To describe developments in the balance sheets of financial corporations.


Households lose considerable part of their financial capital due to falling prices

The total amount lost by Dutch households over the first three quarters of 2008 as a consequence of the crash on the stock exchange was unprecedented.


Dutch inflation rate at 2.0 percent

Dutch consumer prices were 2.0 percent up in March versus 1.9 percent in February relative to the same month last year.


Index figures on imports and exports per category of goods, 1996=100

Volume, price and value indices on imports and exports, broken down by category of goods


Contribution to volume growth of GDP; National Accounts, 2016-2018

Contribution to volume growth GDP by expenditure components Annual data


Collectively agreed wage increase 3.7 percent in first quarter of 2009

In the first quarter of 2009, collectively negotiated (CAO) wages were 3.7 percent up on one year previously.


Amount saved in life course schemes exceeds 5 billion euros

The total amount outstanding in life course savings schemes exceeded 5 billion euros is in 2012. Deposits are lower than last year, withdrawals used to finance a period of unpaid leave are higher...


Regional accounts; key figures 1995-2011

GDP, GDP per capita, Value added, Compensation of employees, Labour input by region


Further improvement public finances

The public deficit and public debt (as a percentage of GDP) both declined in Q1 2016.


Disposable household income falls again

Real disposable income of Dutch households was 1.1 percent lower in 2013 than in 2012. The decrease was smaller than in 2012, when disposable income fell by 2.2 percent. The decrease in 2013 was...


Slight fall in unemployment

Tthe number of unemployed people in the Netherlands at 395 thousand in March 2011, after adjustment for seasonal effects


Half of Dutch employees have little confidence in own pension fund

Over half (55 percent) of employees who build up their pension via their employers have little or even no confidence in their pension fund or pension insurer. This is especially the case for...


Dutch people do not eat enough fruit, vegetables and fish

The Dutch do not eat enough fruit, vegetables and fish. About a quarter of the population meets the doses recommended by the Dutch Health council. People with foreign backgrounds meet the standards...


Healthy life expectancy higher

Life expectancy in the Netherlands is increasing, but people also enjoy more years without physical limitations.
