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2220 results for agricultural areas
2220 results for agricultural areas

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SDGs: a broader perspective on sustainable development

By establishing the 17 SDGs, the United Nations are working towards a more sustainable future across the world


Population decrease in one quarter of Dutch municipalities

In some parts of the Netherlands, especially in the periphery of the country, the population will decrease substantially in the next thirty years. In one quarter of Dutch municipalities the number of...


Labour Accounts; compensation of employees, economic activity; 1969-2012

Compensation of employees, wages, labour volumes of employees economic activities, full-time and part-time jobs



Over 600 billion kg of inbound goods in 2017

In 2017, the Netherlands received in excess of 600 billion kg of goods in gross weight for the first time.


Fewer Dutch people experience disrespectful behaviour

Fewer and fewer people in the Netherlands encounter disrespectful behaviour. Discourteous attitudes among shop staff and public employees in particular have decreased


National  problems hardly related to regions

There is hardly any difference between what Dutch people in urban and rural areas define as urgent national problems.


Most people have their GP close by

Most people live in the vicinity of their GP, but the road distance to the nearest out-of-hours GP centre is longer, in particular for people living in rural areas. The GP rate in rural areas is much...


Consumer prices 2.0 percent up in November

The consumer price index (CPI) was 2 percent higher in November than in the same month last year.


Number of crime victims stable, more cases of vandalism

Last year, the Dutch population aged 15 years and older faced 6.3 million offences, an increase by 0.4 million relative to the preceding year.


Nine in ten Dutch live within a 5 km radius from a secondary school

The average distance for Dutch residents to the nearest secondary school is 2.4 km. Nine in ten residents have at least one school within a 5 km radius.


Potatoes: smallest crop for ten years

The production of potatoes was substantially lower last year than in 2002. The total potato crop was 6.5 billion kilos in 2003, one eighth lower than in 2002. Arable farmers lifted less than 41...


Index traffic density; on national and provincial roads, 2000-2011

Index of traffic density on national and provincial trunk roads by weekdays and working days and by region


Machinery most profitable Dutch export product

The Netherlands earned almost 13 bn euros from exports of machinery and machine parts in 2015.


Energy consumption; components, branch, 2011-2016

Energy consumption, supply, transformation, final consumption, delivery Energy commodities, natural gas, electricity, renewable, oil, companies


Business confidence lower in Q1

At the start of 2019, business confidence stands at 10.6, almost 3 points down on the previous quarter but still well above the long-term average.


EU mission visits Northern Cyprus statistical office

advice on the latest developments as well as the quality of statistics at the statistical office of Northern Cyprus


Fewer victims of common crime

This year, 26 percent of the 15-and-over population in the Netherlands reported that they had been victimes of common crime, as against 29 percent two years ago; the number of offences experienced by...



Goods road vehicle designed to be hauled by a road motor vehicle.


Where will we live in 2025?

Over the next two decades the number of inhabitants in the Netherlands is expected to increase by 600 thousand, bringing the total to 16.9 million. The growth areas will be primarily in the provinces...
