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1557 results for security chain
1557 results for security chain

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SDG 2 Zero hunger

Latest data contributing to worldwide monitoring of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 Zero hunger. SDG 2 aims to end hunger across the world, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and...


GDP, production and expenditures; output and income by sector 1988 - 2012

Output, intermediate consumption, value added and income components of economic sectors


Highest income brackets taxed most heavily

The average gross income of Dutch households was more than 56 thousand euro in 2008. Nearly 23 thousand euro, i.e. 40 percent had to be paid in contributions to income and health care insurances and...


Regional economic growth 2002-2006

Volume, deflator SIC'93, by region, COROP area, province and part of the country


Annual report 2009 National Youth Monitor

The Annual report 2009 of the National Youth Monitor of the Netherlands presents a broad overview of how children and young people under the age of 25 years in the Netherlands are doing.


Statistics Netherlands, city of Eindhoven join forces to launch first CBS Urban Data Center

CBS and the city of Eindhoven have embarked on a unique joint project


New methods and sources for Big Data research

The objective of the seminar was to bring together researchers from statistical offices and academic scientists in order to exchange knowledge and present the latest methods and techniques in the...


Quarterly national accounts; changes

Quarterly data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions. Value,volume and price changes


Quarterly national accounts; values

Quarterly data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions. Values at current and constant prices


CBS, Eindhoven launch first CBS Urban Data Center

On 22 September 2016 CBS and the city of Eindhoven launched the Urban Data Center/Eindhoven



Measures we have taken to safeguard your privacy.


Asylum requests; citizenship, sex and age 2007 - 2016

Total asylum requests and first asylum requests citizenship, sex and age


Macroeconomic scoreboard 2006 - 2013

Macroeconomic imbalances; macroeconomic risks; macroeconomic scoreboard; European Union; Quarter.


One in nine children at risk of growing up in poverty

In 2008, 385 thousand Dutch minors were at risk of growing up in poverty. This means that 11.5 percent of children below 18 years of age grow up in families with incomes that do not exceed 120...


Amount saved in life course schemes increases for the first time

Last year, employees saved 908 million euro in life course schemes, an increase by over 10 percent relative to 2008. They withdrew more than 164 million euro in 2009, over 35 percent more than in the...


Producer Prices (2000 = 100) by ProdCom

Price index numbers including and excluding excise according to product nomenclature Prodcom


Municipal debt exceeds 50 billion euros

Mid-2013, the overall municipal debt in the Netherlands was nearly 51 billion euros. The municipal debt has grown for the sixth year in a row.


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