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2520 results for European identity
2520 results for European identity

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Inflation rate in July stable at 1.6 percent

Inflation remained stable in July 2005. Just like in June, consumer prices were 1.6 percent higher than twelve months ago, according to Statistics Netherlands’ consumer price index. The annual...


Number of asylum requests nearly doubled

The number of requests for asylum submitted in the Netherlands in 2008 nearly doubled compared to 2007. The increase is much more substantial than in the European Union (EU) as a whole, where the...


Investment climate; innovation international comparison 1990-2008

Innovative enterprises, patent applications, turnover of new or improved products and employment in high-tech sectors broken down by region


Enterprises; sizeclass and legal form, 2006-2010

Number of enterprises by size (14 classes) and legal form (9 classes) Economic activities in 103 sections/divisions (SIC 2008)


Inflation rate in 2004 lowest since 1989

According to the latest consumer price index (CPI), the average inflation rate in the Netherlands in 2004 was 1.2 percent, a record low since 1989. The low rate is mainly caused by falling prices for...


Increase in use of government websites

Nearly three-quarters of the Dutch population aged 12 years or older accessed government websites in 2017.


Gross National Income Inventory (ESA 2010), 2010, The Netherlands

Extended methodology benchmark revision 2010 national accounts according ESA 2010


Re-exports and higher prices largely account for growth Dutch exports

The value of Dutch exports of goods reached an unprecedented 431 billion euro in 2012. The exports growth over the past year was largely due to an increase in re-exports and higher prices.


Inflation rate rises further

Dutch inflation was 2.7 percent in September, 0.1 of a percentage point higher than in August. In the last two years, inflation has risen gradually.


Dutch inflation rate stable at 1.8 percent

The inflation rate did not change in September 2005. Just as in August consumer prices were 1.8 percent higher than the year before.


Seven in ten internet users active on social media

Last year, seven in every ten Dutch internet users aged 12 years and older were active on social media. Facebook and Twitter are very popular social networks. Nearly all young people are regular...


Population hardly growing

The population of the Netherlands grew by fewer than 2 thousand people in the first half of 2006. In the same period last year, the increase was still as many as 7 thousand.


Fewer goods carried by Dutch hauliers

The amount of goods carried by Dutch hauliers in 2012 was substantially down from 2005. Eastern European countries (Poland in particular) are becoming increasingly important, but Dutch hauliers still...


Unemployment differs strongly within Europe

In the Netherlands unemployment is low compared with other countries in Europe; certainly when compared with Spain, where more than a quarter of the labour force are unemployed.


Inflation rate drops to 1.1 percent in July

Consumer price index, inflation in July 2004 was 1.1 percent, 0.3 of a percent point down on June. The average rent increase, effective from 1 July 2004, was 3.1 percent.


Short hospital stays, few smokers: the Netherlands versus the EU

Compared with other countries in Europe, in the Netherlands hospital admissions are relatively short: less than two days to have a baby and less than six days for an acute heart attack. The number of...


CBS launches data ecosystem with various partners

The ecosystem encompasses a broad and diverse group of companies, academic institutions and government bodies


Macroeconomic Imbalances Factsheet

The European Union has formulated the so called Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure. By means of a scoreboard, the European Commission judges whether there are (potential) imbalances within the member...


Macroeconomic Imbalances Factsheet

The European Union has formulated the so called Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure. By means of a scoreboard, the European Commission judges whether there are (potential) imbalances within the member...


Macroeconomic Imbalances Factsheet

The European Union has formulated the so called Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure. By means of a scoreboard, the European Commission judges whether there are (potential) imbalances within the member...
