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12888 results for working for Statistics Netherlands
12888 results for working for Statistics Netherlands

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Municipal waste; quantities

Amount of waste collected by the municipal authorities broken down by province, size class and degree of urbanisation


Dutch GDP per capita 1.5 times the EU average

In 2021, Dutch gross domestic product (GDP) per capita stood at over 49 thousand euros, putting the Netherlands in fifth position within the European Union.


Increase in manufacturing output prices levelled off further

In January 2023 prices of Dutch-manufactured products were up by an average of 11.0 percent year on year.


Retail turnover over 11 percent up in January

The Dutch retail sector recorded over 11 percent year-on-year turnover growth. The volume of sales, however, went up by 0.4 percent.


Government; debt guarantees, off-balance PPP, non-performing loans

one-off and standardised guarantees, adjusted capital value of off balance sheet public private partnerships, government sectors.


Comparing imports based on microdata with FIGARO, 2020

This publication considers imports by each Dutch industry from each industry in several countries and compares results obtained using microdata with data in FIGARO, a Eurostat dataset, for 2020.


Childcare benefits for over 1 million children

In 2021, childcare benefits were paid for over 1 million children. The number of children with parents receiving a childcare allowance has been rising since 2015, although growth has levelled off in...


Vehicle kilometres goods vehicles; kilometres, vehicle weight, territory

Vehicle kilometres of lorries and road tractors (Dutch and foreign vehicles) by territory, vehicle construction years, gross vehicle weight


Rent increase dwellings; income class

Rent increase Type of dwelling and income class


Exporting services: challenges to start, and to expand

This publication looks at barriers to international trade in services. The first part focuses on the impact of trade barriers when it comes to the decision of firms to start exporting services to a...


Composition development in goods exports: flow characteristics

Export growth and Contribution to total export growth Transaction; SITC and Countries


Owner-occupiers Housing Expenditures, costs to acquire and own, 2015=100

Price indices, owners occupiers housing expenditures costs acquire and own dwelling


Business confidence slightly negative in Q4 2022

At the start of Q4 2022, entrepreneurial confidence was negative for the first time since early 2021.


Government participation; public and private corporations

Significant participation (0.01% of GDP) of the government on corporation capital of public and private corporations.


Plant protection products; sales by weight by productgroup

Sales by active substance; index of sales by active substance Product group of plant protection products


Vehicle kilometres goods vehicles; kilometres, load capacity, territory

Kilometres and average annual kilometres by Dutch and foreign lorries and road tractors, by load capacity and age of vehicle


Turnover accommodation and food services remains virtually the same in Q4

At 0.1 percent, turnover in the accommodation and food services sector hardly increased in Q4 relative to Q3.


Birth; key figures

Key figures on birth by sex, birth order or marital status of the mother. Including figures on stillborn children and multiple births


Producer confidence hardly changed

Producer confidence among Dutch manufacturers has hardly changed in February 2023.


Agricultural sector records slightly higher income in 2022

In 2022, the Dutch agricultural sector generated 1.9 percent more income than in 2021. At the same time, animal output dropped slightly (-0.7 percent) while crop output fell relatively sharply by...


Manufacturing output 10 percent up in May

In May 2022, the average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was up by 10 percent on May 2021.


Almost 6 in 10 Dutch people do not have a religious affiliation

In 2021, 58 percent of the Dutch population aged 15 years and over stated they did not belong to a religious or ideological group.


Persons with dispensed medicines; origin

Persons to whom medicines were dispensed by origin, medicine group, age, sex


Household consumption almost 10 percent up in December

Households spent 9.9 percent more in December 2022 year on year, adjusted for price changes.


Overnight guest numbers nearing pre-pandemic levels

In 2022, the number of guests staying in Dutch overnight accommodations increased by 40 percent year on year, to 44 million.
