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1944 results for energy savings
1944 results for energy savings

Page 50 of 78


Investments expected to grow further

Manufacturers expect a 3 percent growth of investments this year, relative to 2005. For the second year running, investments are expected to grow in 2006.


Green policy instruments

The government can choose from various policy instruments in order to steer economic development towards green growth.


Inflation rate marginally down to 2.8 percent

The inflation rate in the Netherlands fell marginally to 2.8 percent in November. Consumer prices in October were still 2.9 percent higher than one year previously.


Consumer credit 1998-2013

Consumer credit; credit granted, outstanding credit, interest, repayments and limits broken down by credit provider and type of credit.


Resource efficiency

For long-term economic stability, it is important that a balance exists between the economic pressure on


Household consumption nearly 1 percent up in January

Dutch household consumption was 0.7 percent up in January 2018.


Inflation slightly down

In May, Dutch inflation was 1.0 percent, i.e. 0.1 percentage points down on April. The small decrease was mainly caused by petrol price developments.


Inflation rate further down

In June, the Dutch inflation rate dropped for the third month in a row to reach 1.4 percent, i.e. 0.2 percentage points down on May. Especially prices of food and clothes had a downward effect on...


Inflation rate remains below 2 percent in 2007

The average inflation rate in the Netherlands over 2007 was 1.6 percent.


Price natural gas rises less rapidly than oil price

In June 2010, companies in the sectors manufacturing industry and energy paid 2 percent less for natural gas than in June 2009, whereas the oil price soared by 24 percent.


Electricity imports down in 2007

In 2007, net imports of electricity plummeted by 18 percent. The upward trend observed in recent years was reversed.


Household consumption in decline

Household spending on goods and services was 2.3 percent down in January 2013 from January 2013. Domestic household consumption has been continuously down from twelve months previously for eighteen...


Just over one in three workers do company training

In 2010 36 percent of private sector employees went on a company course. Employers spent 1.6 billion euro on company training, this is 435 euro on average per employee.


Just over one in three workers do company training

In 2010 36 percent of private sector employees went on a company course. Employers spent 1.6 billion euro on company training, this is 435 euro on average per employee.


Defining types of innovation by means of text analysis

How can we get a good idea of the different types of innovation in companies in the Netherlands?


Dutch inflation slightly up

In April 2010, Dutch inflation was 1.1 percent, i.e. 0.1 of a percent point up on March.


Private sector companies have to pay higher prices for natural gas

The natural gas price for private sector companies was raised considerably over the last three years. Companies with a small to medium-sized consumption level faced the most substantial price...
