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12842 results for working for Statistics Netherlands
12842 results for working for Statistics Netherlands

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Caribbean Netherlands: purchasing power gains subsided in 2021

In 2021, the purchasing power of the Caribbean Dutch population continued to rise, but less sharply than in the previous year.


Caribbean Netherlands; pupils primary and students secondary education

Participants Gender, chararcteristics, region


Over 1 in 3 young Ukrainian refugees are in education

A total of 36 percent of Ukrainian refugees aged 15-22 in the Netherlands were in education on 1 October 2023


Caribbean Netherlands; students mbo by level, sector and domain

Prevocational secondary education, pupils Level, type of education, region


Caribbean Netherlands; jobs and wages, economic activity (SIC2008)

Jobs and average annual wages of employees broken down by wage category and economic activity (SIC2008)


Caribbean Netherlands; jobs and wages, sex, age

Jobs and average annual wages of employees broken down by wage category, gender and age


Good command of Dutch enhances labour participation

A better command of the Dutch language among migrants improves their chances of finding paid work. Nevertheless, relatively many migrants who speak little or no Dutch are working at a high...


Monitor of Well-being and SDGs Caribbean Netherlands 2023

Latest data contributing to the monitoring of well-being and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Caribbean Netherlands.


The Netherlands in numbers 2023

The Netherlands in numbers 2023


Data ethics high on the agenda at CBS

On 6 March 2024, the fourth IBDS Café was held at Statistics Netherlands (CBS).


Population of the Caribbean Netherlands up by nearly 1.7 thousand in 2022

On 1 January 2023, the population of the Caribbean Netherlands stood at 29,418.


Young technicians four times as often male

In 2022, there were 609 thousand young people (aged 15 to 34 years) in the Netherlands who had completed a technical education.


Egg prices not only rising in the Netherlands

In February 2023, eggs were on average 26.3 percent more expensive in the Netherlands than one year previously.


Households Caribbean Netherlands, 1 January 2023

This publication contains table information on (the population in) households in the Caribbean Netherlands on 1 January 2023


Households Caribbean Netherlands, 1 January 2023

This publication contains table information on (the population in) households in the Caribbean Netherlands on 1 January 2023


Free Services in the Netherlands

In this paper Statistics Netherlands estimates the size of free services in the Netherlands using two different approaches. Both approaches are embedded within the national accounts framework.


Caribbean Netherlands; gross domestic product (GDP)

Caribbean Netherlands, GDP Bonaire, Saba, St Eustatius


Caribbean Netherlands; gross domestic product (GDP) per capita

Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, Caribbean Netherlands, Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba


More tourist arrivals by air in the Caribbean Netherlands than in 2021

In 2022, altogether 183.7 thousand tourists flew to the islands of the Caribbean Netherlands.


Exports down by over 4 percent in May

In May 2024, the total volume of goods exported (adjusted for the number of working days) was down by 4.3 percent year on year.


Caribbean Netherlands: 4 percent more air passengers in 2022 than in 2019

In 2022, more than 475 thousand travellers passed through the airports of Bonaire, Saba and St Eustatius.


Exports down by nearly 4 percent in February

In February 2024, the total volume of goods exported (adjusted for number of working days) was down by 3.6 percent year on year.


Dutch census has been digital for 40 years

Censuses are the oldest official statistic produced by Statistics Netherlands (CBS).


Exports down by 4.5 percent in November

In November 2023, the total volume of goods exports (adjusted for number of working days) was down by 4.5 percent year on year.


Caribbean Netherlands, Bonaire; gross value added, branches

Bonaire, GDP Sector/branches (SIC2008)
