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307 results for keyword:consumer confidence
307 results for keyword:consumer confidence

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Dutch consumer confidence down, but still positive

The Dutch consumer confidence indicator declined by 4 point to +1 in July


Dutch consumer considerably more positive

The mood among Dutch consumers improved in June.


Optimism still prevailing among Dutch consumers

Optimism still prevailing among Dutch consumers


Consumer confidence turns from negative to positive

The mood among Dutch consumers has turned from negative to positive in April.


Consumer confidence further down

The mood among Dutch consumers deteriorated further in March.


Consumer confidence continues to fall

The mood among Dutch consumers deteriorated further in February. According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the consumer confidence indicator fell by 5 points to - 1. For the first time in almost a...


Consumers less positive

In January, the mood among Dutch consumers is less positive than in December. According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the consumer confidence indicator fell by 2 points to + 4. The downturn is...


Marginal improvement consumer confidence

The mood among Dutch consumers was marginally better in November than in October. According to Statistics Netherlands, the consumer confidence indicator rose 1 point to + 9. Consumers are somewhat...


Dutch consumers spending more again

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands today, Dutch consumer spending on goods and services was up by 1.3 percent in July 2015 on the same month last year. Consumers mainly spent...


Consumer confidence hardly changes

The mood among Dutch consumers has hardly changed in September compared to August. According to Statistics Netherlands, the consumer confidence indicator declined by 1 point to +5. Consumer...


household spending marginally up, consumer confidence remains stable

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands today, household spending on goods and services was 0.2 percent  up in October 2014 from October 2013. Prior to this modest increase,...


Consumers spend less, confidence falls

Household spending on goods and services was 0.6 percent down in September 2014 from September 2013. Prior to the decrease, household spending had grown modestly for four months in a row.


Economic situation fairly stable over the past six months

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in October was about the same as in September.


Dutch consumers more apprehensive about the economic situation

The mood among Dutch consumers deteriorated marginally in September. According to Statistics Netherlands, the consumer confidence indicator fell by 1 point to -7. In the past two months,...


Dutch consumers more pessimistic

The mood among Dutch consumers deteriorated in August. According to Statistics Netherlands, the consumer confidence indicator fell by 4 points to -6.


Economic situation virtually unchanged

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in July was about the same as in June. Economic recovery has come to a virtual standstill in the last few months.


Economic situation more or less stable

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in June was about the same as in May. The economic situation is still fragile, the recovery has come to a virtual...


No further improvement in consumer confidence

The mood among Dutch consumers remained stable in June relative to May. The consumer confidence indicator remained unchanged at -2. Pessimists still outnumber optimists, though only just.


Consumer confidence improves further

The mood among Dutch consumers improved further in May relative to April. The confidence indicator climbed 3 points to reach -2. Currently, pessimists still outnumber optimists, though only just.


Consumer confidence improves further

The mood among Dutch consumers improved marginally. The consumer confidence index stood at -5 in April, as against -7 in March.


Sustained improvement in consumer confidence

The mood among Dutch consumers improved further in March. The confidence index climbed 3 points to reach -7.


Consumer confidence improves further

Dutch consumer confidence improved marginally in February. The confidence index climbed 2 points to reach -10. The improvement was entirely due to an increase in consumers’ willingness-to-buy....


Economic situation improves further

The economic situation at the end of January is better than at the end of December. Improvements outnumber deteriorations. The heart of the scatter in the Business Cycle Tracer is located in the...


Economic situation in the Netherlands more favourable than one year ago

By the end of last year, the Dutch economy was in the recovery stage. The situation was very different from the end of 2012, when the economy was in deep recession. This is shown by means of the...
