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331 results for hospital admissions
331 results for hospital admissions

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Hospital readmission ratio models 2016

Models (2016) to derive hospital readmission ratios for Dutch hospitals, adjusted for case mix differences


The impact of the corona crisis on compiling the CPI

The impact of the corona crisis on compiling the CPI


Listed monuments and historic buildings; region 2020

Listed monuments Type of monument, province, municipality


Hospital readmission ratio model 2017

This report describes the methods that were used for the 2017 model and the outcome of the evaluation of this model.


Hospital readmission ratio model 2018

Model (2018) to derive hospital readmission ratios for Dutch hospitals, adjusted for case mix differences


Hospital readmission ratio model 2015

A model to derive hospital readmission ratios for Dutch hospitals, adjusted for case mix differences.


Specialised hospital

An institution in which medical specialist help and nursing care is on offer for a particular illness or affliction, or to people in a certain group.


Detained under a hospital order

Measure in criminal justice where the judge orders that a crime suspect who has mental or physical problems must be treated or counselled or nursed in an appropriate facility outside the prison...


Amusement and theme parks; visitors, staff, costs and revenues 1998 - 2018

Number of amusement and theme parks, visitors, staff, costs, revenues period, costs, revenues, visitors


Economic contraction 0.1 percent in Q4 2020

In Q4 2020, gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 0.1 percent relative to the previous quarter. In 2020, the economy shrank by 3.8 percent year-on-year.


Quality of the Dutch Medical Registration

Since 2011 Statistics Netherlands is responsible for the calculation of the Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratio (HSMR) for the Dutch hospitals. Since there were some indications that there are...


Economic growth of 7.8 percent in Q3 2020

According to the second estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), gross domestic product (GDP) declined by 7.8 percent in Q3 2020 relative to Q2 2020.


The need for timely official statistics

This paper discusses how Statistics Netherlands managed to respond quickly with a range of new outputs following the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic. First, it describes the innovation process and...


13 people a day die after a fall

In 2018, a total of 4,628 people in the Netherlands died due to an accidental fall, nearly 600 more than in the previous year. This comes down to 13 fatal falls per day on average.


Good summer for campsites and holiday parks due to domestic tourism

Dutch tourist accommodations booked a record number of overnight stays in July and August 2020, even more than in the peak year 2019.


Trends in the Netherlands 2019

Publication Trends in the Netherlands 2019


Status holders overrepresented in job-oriented practical training

Of all 12 to 17-year-old asylum status holders who received a residence permit in 2014, 15 percent were enrolled in labour-oriented practical training (PRO, praktijkonderwijs) on 1 October 2018.


Medical contacts, hospitalisation, medicines; sex and age, 2010-2013

GP, specialist, dentist, fysiotherapist, hospitalisation, medicine use, sex and age


Day in care (homes for the elderly and homes for the disabled)

A calendar day, in the period between admission and release in an AWBZ-accredited health care facility, that will be charged. Days of absence, such as days a client spends at home (weekends, brief...


More people feeling healthy in Q2 2020

In the second quarter of this year, 82 percent of the population were positive about their own health. This share was 78 percent in the same quarter of the three previous years.


Moroccans least often hospitalised for cancer

In 2008, Moroccans were less often admitted to hospital for cancer and cardiovascular diseases than other ethnic groups. Turks were most often admitted for cardiovascular diseases, followed by...


HSMR 2022 Methodological report

Methods used for the calculation of the Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratios 2020-2022
