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138 results for Ukraine
138 results for Ukraine

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Exports to Ukraine nearly halved

In August 2014 Dutch exports to the Ukraine reached 54 million euros wheras in August 2013 exports to the Ukrain were valued at 98 million. This sharp decrease is due to the political tensions in the...


How much did the Netherlands import from and export to Ukraine?

How much did the Netherlands import from and export to Ukraine?


How many people from Ukraine have arrived in the Netherlands since the war broke out?

How many people from Ukraine have arrived in the Netherlands since the war broke out?


CBS-World Café Trade relations with Russia and Ukraine before and after Russia's invasion

About CBS-World Café Trade relations with Russia and Ukraine before and after Russia's invasion.


Russia - Ukraine

An overview of publications and figures about Ducht relations with Russias and Ukraine.


Dutch Trade in Facts and Figures, 2021

This publication contains information on internationalisation in the Netherlands. Exports and imports of goods and services, export earnings, value chains, multinationals and investment are covered...


Internationalisation Monitor 2021, second quarter

This edition of the Internationalisation Monitor focuses on the environmental aspect of Dutch international trade: how does globalisation contribute to the issues and solutions in the area of...


How many Ukrainians were living in the Netherlands when the war broke out?

How many Ukrainians were living in the Netherlands when the war broke out?


Former Soviet republics account for one percent of Dutch trade

In 2012, the value of imports from the constituent republics of the former Soviet Union amounted to nearly 5 billion euros. The value of exports exceeded 4 billion euros. Imports to and exports from...


How many Ukrainians immigrated to the Netherlands in the year before the war?

How many Ukrainians immigrated to the Netherlands in the year before the war?


Guests in hotels; by country of residence and region '98-'11

Guests in hotels; by country of residence and region Provinces, tourist regions, 4 important cities, and with/without stars


More cars exported, fewer dismantled

More and more cars start a new life abroad instead of being dismantled in Dutch scrap yards.



FAQs about Russia and Ukraine




More family reunification from Eritrea

In 2017, more following family members than asylum seekers from Eritrea arrived in the Netherlands.


Potatoes: smallest crop for ten years

The production of potatoes was substantially lower last year than in 2002. The total potato crop was 6.5 billion kilos in 2003, one eighth lower than in 2002. Arable farmers lifted less than 41...


CBS World Cafe

In the World Café, CBS presents relevant research in the field of globalization and international production chains.


Economic growth in the eurozone

The economies of the eurozone expanded by 0.3 percent in the second quarter of 2015 compared to the first quarter, according to the most recent first calculations by Eurostat.


CBS World Café X - Evaluating supply chain dependencies

CBS World Café X - Using detailed data to evaluate supply chain dependencies: How to perform it and what can we learn?


Population and population dynamics by month; 1995-2018

Monthly statistics, size of the Dutch population and births, deaths, external migration, marriages, divorces and requests for asylum,



How prepared is the Netherlands to cope immediately with an extreme shock? Will people still be able to earn their livelihood, and how will the most vulnerable groups cope? Are Dutch nature, social...


Investment climate; The Netherlands international comparison 1990-2009

Gross Domestic Product, exports, Foreign Direct Investments, inward, Value added in services and population size broken down by region


SDG 1 No poverty

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1 No poverty. The aim of SDG 1 is to end extreme poverty across the world by 2030.
