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Internationalisation Monitor 2021, second quarter

This edition of the Internationalisation Monitor focuses on the environmental aspect of Dutch international trade: how does globalisation contribute to the issues and solutions in the area of...


Inbound and outbound goods transport virtually stable in 2019

In 2019, altogether 629 billion kg of goods arrived in the Netherlands, i.e. 1 percent up on the previous year.


The Netherlands in Numbers, 2020

The Netherlands in Numbers, 2020 is the successor to Trends in the Netherlands and the Statistical Yearbooks and Pocket Books.


CBS mapping goods flows

CBS mapping goods flows


Trade surplus remains stable despite COVID-19

In the first eight months of 2020, the value of Dutch goods exports was 35 billion euros higher than goods imports. This trade surplus is virtually equal to one year previously.


Agricultural exports staying rooted

Despite the coronavirus crisis, Dutch agricultural exports grew by an estimated 1 percent in 2020 relative to the previous year.


Dutch importers bore the cost of European import duties

Over the past few years, the United States and the European Union have imposed import tariffs on parts of each other’s exports in several rounds, most recently last month. The additional EU import...


Pilot Study: Mobile Phone Meta Data Records – Introduction to the research method

Mobile Phone Meta-Data, mobile phone data, method, processing method, privacy, statistical disclosure control


Goods imports down mainly due to less petroleum and gas

In the first eight months of 2020, Dutch goods imports amounted to over 275 billion euros.


Exports contracted by 9 percent in first half year

Between January and June 2020, Dutch goods exports fell by almost 23 billion euros on the same period in 2019.


Service exports down by 11 percent in Q3

In Q3 2020, Dutch service exports amounted to 55.6 billion euros. This is 11 percent less than in the same quarter last year.


Soybean imports from Brazil up by 40 percent

In the first six months of 2020, the Netherlands imported 1.6 billion kg of soybeans from Brazil.


One-third of GDP is earned through exports

Exports of goods and services generate one-third of gross domestic product (GDP) in the Netherlands. Earnings are highest from exports to Germany, the United Kingdom and Belgium.


Focus on container traffic, from seagoing vessel to HGV

Every year, some 4.5 million containers are being discharged in ports around the Netherlands.


Relatively more Dutch products in EU-15 exports

Exports from the EU 15 to other countries include increasing amounts of Dutch goods and services.


Less air traffic in February 2020

In February 2020, the aviation industry in the Netherlands recorded a year-on-year decline in the number of air passengers for the first time in seven years.


Half as many passengers in March at Schiphol Airport

The number of passengers flying to and from Amsterdam Airport Schiphol in March 2020 fell by 56 percent relative to the same period last year.


Hoe treft coronacrisis de luchtvaart?

In februari 2020 is het aantal passagiers in de luchtvaart voor het eerst in zeven jaar gedaald ten opzichte van dezelfde maand een jaar eerder. Waar in januari het aantal passagiers nog steeg met...


Medical imports 8 percent up in Q1 2020

In Q1 2020, importeerde Nederland voor 8,7 miljard euro aan medische goederen. Dat was 8 procent meer dan in de eerste drie maanden van 2019.


Foreign travellers spent 17 billion euros in 2019

In 2019, foreign tourists and business travellers spent over 17 billion euros on goods and services during their stay in or visit to the Netherlands.


Exports to the UK account for 3.5 percent of GDP

In 2019, the Netherlands earned 28.3 billion euros in exports of goods and services destined for the United Kingdom.


Manufacturing output prices almost 1 percent up in February

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were on average 0.9 percent up in February 2020 year-on-year.
