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2383 results for master's programme
2383 results for master's programme

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Energy prices up, inflation stable

Inflation in the Netherlands was 1.9 percent in January, the same as in December 2008.


Inflation rate lower

In January, Dutch inflation was 0.8 percent, i.e. down 0.3 percentage points on December. Inflation fell for the first time in five months


Exports growth

The volume of exports of goods increased by 4 percent in December relative to twelve months previously. In November, export growth came to a halt after negative growth in October. The volume of...


Exports shrinks

The volume of exports of goods was 2.7 percent lower in April than twelve months previously. Exports decreased for the first time since October 2011. The volume of imports decreased by 0.2 percent in...


Fewer women receive alimony, lower amounts involved

On average, a woman who got divorced in 2013 and was entitled to alimony received 980 euros a month. This so-called partner alimony has decreased marginally since 2009. In the period 2001–2009, the...


Bram - Configuration Manager

About Bram Huijsmans configuration manager


Interest on Dutch government bonds below eurozone average

Interest on the latest ten-year government bond was 3.4 percent in December 2009. Interest on Dutch government bonds is currently below the eurozone average.


Medical contacts, hospitalisation, medicines; sex and age, 2010-2013

GP, specialist, dentist, fysiotherapist, hospitalisation, medicine use, sex and age


Exports to Turkey marginally higher

In 2008, the Netherlands exported nearly 4 billion euro worth of goods to Turkey, 2 percent more than in 2007. For the seventh year running, exports have grown. Since the turn of the century, exports...


Robust growth exports

The volume of exports of goods increased by nearly 6 percent in December relative to twelve months previously. In November, export growth came to a halt after negative growth in October. The volume...


Inflation rate at 2.0 percent in January

January’s inflation rate was 2.0 percent, an increase by 0.1 percentage points relative to December, when the annual price increase was 1.9 percent.


Statistics Netherlands and University of Amsterdam establish chair in cause of death registration

Prof. dr. J.W.P.F. (Jan) Kardaun has been appointed professor by special appointment in the registration and statistics of causes of death at the University of Amsterdam.


investment higher, particularly in machinery and computers

The volume of investment in tangible fixed assets was 5.0 percent higher in October 2014 than in October 2013. Investment in dwellings, infrastructure and in machinery and installations were the main...


Exports in decline

The volume of exports of goods was 2.3 percent down in April from April 2012. A decline in this order of magnitude has not occurred since October 2011. The volume of imports remained stable in April...


Higher investments, particularly in property and infrastructure

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets in July 2014 was up 5.2 percent on July 2013. this followed two months in which investments were slightly lower than twelve months previously.


Inflation rate continues to rise

December’s inflation rate was 1.1 percent, that is 0.1 percent points up on November.


Euthanasia carried out in nearly 3 percent of cases

Nearly six in every ten deaths in 2010 involved medical end-of-life decisions. In 2.8 percent of cases, euthanasia was carried out.


Single farmers have smaller farms

Farmers whose partner also works on the farm have larger farms than single farmers or farmers who run their farm without the help of their partner.


Negative inflation in the Caribbean Netherlands

Inflation according to the consumer price index (CPI) on all three islands of the Caribbean Netherlands was negative in the third quarter of 2015. Inflation was already negative on Bonaire and St...


Record number of bankruptcies

Over 10 thousand bankruptcies were declared in 2005, the highest number ever.


Lower investment, particularly in property and means of transport

The volume of investment in tangible fixed assets was 3.8 percent lower in August 2014 than in August 2013. According to Statistics Netherlands, investment in residential and non-residential property...


Provinces invest 1.1 billion euro in youth welfare

Provincial authorities have estimated the youth welfare budget for 2011 at 1.1 billion euro, i.e. 11 percent of their total provincial budget. Thus, child and youth welfare is one of the main tasks...
