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1944 results for energy savings
1944 results for energy savings

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Highest increase consumer prices in almost 5 years

For the first time after September 2013, the price increase was above 2 percent.


Labour price index; index figures 2006=100, 2001-2013

Labour price index; wage costs per hour worked Branches SIC 2008



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 6-10 October 2014 (Week 41).


SDG 9.2 Sustainable business

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure: sustainable business. SDG 9.2 aims to strengthen businesses and make them more sustainable, and to...


Environmental and ec. key figures; national accounts, 2001-2013

Environmental burden by subject; costs and revenues from environmental taxes and fees; emissions to water and air


Core inflation – Is this term used by CBS?

Core inflation – Is this term used by CBS?


De Monitor Brede Welvaart

Het cijfer over de economische groei zegt niet alles over hoe we er voor staan in Nederland. Daarom heeft het CBS op verzoek van de Tweede Kamer de Monitor Brede Welvaart ontwikkeld. CBS-onderzoeker...


Environmental accounts of the Netherlands 2012

In the publication Environmental accounts of the Netherlands 2012 Statistics Netherlands analyses and describes the relationship between the environment and the economy in the Netherlands. The first...


CO2 emissions fall while economy rises

It is the third consecutive quarter in which CO2 emission levels fall while the economy is growing


Dutch inflation dips into negative territory

Dutch inflation dips into negative territory


Higher CO2 emissions in Q1 2017

In Q1 2017, CO2 emissions in the Netherlands were higher than in Q1 2016.


What effect will the €190 subsidy in November and December 2022 have on the inflation rate?

What effect will the €190 subsidy in November and December 2022 have on the inflation rate?


SDG 9.2 Sustainable business

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure: sustainable business. SDG 9.2 aims to strengthen businesses and make them more sustainable, and to...


Labour price index; index figures 2010=100; National Accounts, 2001-2017

Labour price index; wage costs per hour worked Branches SIC 2008


Consumer prices 1.7 percent up in June

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.7 percent higher in June than in the same month last year.



Week 8 (19-23 February 2007)


inflation rate 2014 lowest in more than 25 years

Statistics Netherlands announced today that the average inflation rate over the year 2014 was 1 percent. The price increase for products and services Dutch consumers bought last year is the smallest...


Environmental and economic key figures 1995-2012

Environment and Economics; Environmental Accounts; Airemissions Industries


Consumer credit 1998-2013

Consumer credit; credit granted, outstanding credit, interest, repayments and limits broken down by credit provider and type of credit.


Industry; production and sales, index 2010=100, '05 January - '18 September

Indexfigures and changes of production, total turnover, domestic and foreign turnover in the industry by sectors and branches (SIC2008)


Wind most important source of renewable electricity

For the first time, wind is the main energy source for renewable electricity. In 2014, wind turbine-generated electricity was approximately 8 percent up from 2013. At the same time, electricity...


Dutch inflation stable, European rate plummets

Dutch inflation stood at 2.0 percent in March 2009, the same as in February.


Inflation rate marginally down

The Dutch inflation rate was 1.4 percent in June 2009, i.e. 0.2 percentage points lower than in May. The eurozone inflation rate dropped by 0.1 percentage points to -0.1 percent.
