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1597 results for ICT security
1597 results for ICT security

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Solved crime

A crime is solved when the police knows who at least one suspect is, even if that suspect is on the run or denies having committed the crime.


Seasonal correction

The removal of annually recurring patterns from the figures which are normal for a particular time of year.


Company pension fund

A pension fund linked to a company which accumulates money for the pensions of the people who are or were working in the company.


Pre-tax results

The sum of the operating and financial results.


Labour contract for a fixed period of time

An employment contract which specifies a fixed period of time, either as agreed between employer and employee, or determined by law or by custom.


Joinder ad informandum

Joining one criminal case without charges with another case by the public prosecutor so that the judge can take the two cases into consideration in determining the sentence.


Trade union

Organisation of employees with the aim to represent the collective and/or individual interests of its members in the face of employers and organisations influencing labour conditions.


Contractual wage costs

The collective labour agreement wage rate including special payments plus the legally and contractually required employee contributions for pensions, early retirement, unemployment, labour disability...


Temporary guardianship

Measure in which a specialised judge for youth cases provides authority for a minor when the minor is not under parental authority or when this authority is not exercised.


Settlement by judge

In civil law: final decision, usually by awarding, partly awarding or rejecting the petition or claim. In criminal law: final verdict, i.e. verdict of guilty, acquittal, or another final verdict


Foreign net turnover

Total net turnover from sales to foreign buyers


Trade union federation

The umbrella organisation of trade unions that engages as a social partner in the negotiations at the national level in the Stichting van de Arbeid, Sociaal-Economische Raad, Sociale...


Taking away parental powers or custody on legal grounds

Court decision to discharge parents from their authority or to relieve a guardian of guardianship on the basis of inability to fulfil their tasks of care and education.



State declared by the court when a debtor has ceased all payments after which the assets and income of the bankrupt are ceased as a possible compensation to the creditor(s).


Discharge from parental authority or guardianship

Court decision to discharge parents from their authority or to relieve a guardian of guardianship on the basis of inability to fulfil their tasks of care and education.


Regulation of working hours

Working hours are divided into: - regular working hours (only during the day on week days), - irregular working hours (distinguishable in: working evenings, working nights, working Saturdays and...


Private company

A legal person whose capital is divided into shares. The shares are nominative shares and are not freely transferable. The liability of the shareholders is limited to the amount of their...


Contractual social premiums

The employer’s contribution paid in the framework of insuring pensions for employees and the premiums for additional disablement and unemployment insurance, sick leave benefits and social funds...


Sickness Benefits Act (ZW)

The law insures employees against the expense from sickness and labour disability. The law applies when there is no legal obligation to continue paying wages.


Discharge from all further prosecution

A court order issued in cases where the Public Prosecution Service has been able to prove the charges against a defendant, but the relevant offence or the offender is not punishable.


Percentage of cases solved

The total number of crimes solved in a given period expressed as a percentage of the number of crimes of the same sort recorded by the police in that period.


Sick leave percentage

The number of calendar days (including weekends) of sick leave in the observation period, divided by the labour volume (in fulltime equivalents) multiplied by the number of calendar days in the...


Occupational Disability Insurance Act (WAO)

The law entitles employees who become disabled to a benefit replacing their wages when they become long-term disabled, e.g. for more than one year.
