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Mainly women and children from Ukraine registered

Since 24 February 2022, over 27 thousand people arriving from Ukraine have registered with a Dutch municipality, over a third of them minors.


Civil engineering works; input price index 2000 = 100, from 1979

Price indices on the basis of 2000=100 and changes compared to 1 year earlier regarding several areas of work.


Retail trade; turnover changes internet sales, index 2015=100

Internet sales retail trade. Turnover: index 2015 = 100, change. By activity (SIC 2008).


Employment; economic activity, quarterly, National Accounts

Employed persons, jobs, hours worked, also with seasonal correction employee or self-employed, economic activity


Employment; quarterly, sex, National Accounts

Employed persons, jobs, hours worked, also with seasonal correction employee or self-employed, sex, original and seasonal adjusted


Exogenous shocks - Brexit (chapter 5 Internationalisation Monitor)

Trade in goods with the UK after Brexit: Truly tariff-free? brexit


Distribution of well-being: labour and leisure time

Recent data on distribution of well-being for the theme labour and leisure time by sex, age, education level and origin/country of birth. Well-being is not distributed equally across all groups in...


Consumption by type of goods and services; National Accounts

Final consumption expenditure Type of goods and services


Number of employed further up

In the period July through September, the number of people aged 15 to 74 years in employment grew by 22 thousand per month on average, to 9.1 million in September.


Goods exports top 700 billion euros for the first time

In 2022, the value of exported goods was 170.4 billion euros or 30 percent higher than in 2021. Goods imports rose by 182.2 billion euros (37 percent).


Crude and petroleum products balance sheet; supply and consumption

Crude petroleum products balance sheet, supply, consumption energy commodities


Municipal accounts; balance sheet by region and size class

Municipal accounts, balance sheet according to the Dutch regulation 'Besluit Begroting en Verantwoording gemeenten en provincies (BBV)'.


Manufacturing output 12 percent down in April

In April 2023, the average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 12.1 percent lower than in April 2022.


Employment; economic activity, quarterly, National Accounts

Employed persons, jobs, hours worked, also with seasonal correction employee or self-employed, economic activity


House prices continue to rise

In August, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 17.8 percent more expensive than in the same month last year.


Arable crops; production, region

area and yield per crop province


Greenhouse gas emissions 11 percent lower in Q1 2022

In Q1 2022, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions showed a year-on-year decrease of 11 percent. This is mainly because natural gas consumption was down by a quarter.


Construction industry; turnover change, index 2015=100

Construction industry. Turnover: index 2015 = 100, change. By activity (SIC 2008) and company size (all companies, 10 or more employed persons).


Nearly 32 billion euros spent in Dutch webshops in 2020

In 2020, Dutch companies generated almost 32 billion euros in turnover from the online sale of goods to consumers.


Manufacturing output prices almost 5 percent down in May

In May 2023, prices of Dutch-manufactured products were down by an average of 4.9 percent year on year.


Welfare of persons; key figures

Personal and equivalised income, purchasing power development Sex, age and persons with low income


Producer confidence continues to decline

Producer confidence among Dutch manufacturers was down in June 2023.


Business survey Netherlands; to sector/branches, seasonally adjusted

Developments, expectations and opinions of businesses Sector/branches, confidence margins


Number of employed in the Caribbean Netherlands continued to rise in 2022

In 2022, the employed labour force aged 15 to 74 years in the Caribbean Netherlands increased by 9 percent to 15.7 thousand relative to 2020.


Earnings and labour volume; export flows

Export value, value added export flows
