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12340 results for " National accounts of the Netherlands
12340 results for " National accounts of the Netherlands

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Turnover accommodation and food services up by 0.3 percent in Q3

Seasonally adjusted turnover in the accommodation and food services sector rose by 0.3 percent in Q3 2023 relative to Q2 2023.


Childcare benefits for over 1 million children

In 2021, childcare benefits were paid for over 1 million children. The number of children with parents receiving a childcare allowance has been rising since 2015, although growth has levelled off in...


House price increase levelled off again in January

In January, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 1.1 percent more expensive than in the same month of the previous year.


Passenger cars by company characteristics, 2019-2022

The tables contain the number of Dutch passenger cars divided by fuel and type of end user (company and private), year 2019-2022. For company cars, a breakdown has been made by sector and company...


Material efficiency not enough to reduce CO2 emissions

The Dutch economy's carbon emissions increased over the entire period between 1970 and 2020.


Economic outlook more negative

The economic climate in June 2023 is more negative than it was in May.


Climate and Energy Outlook 2021

The Netherlands Climate and Energy Outlook 2021 (KEV) is a joint publication by PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, TNO Energy Transition, Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the Netherlands...


Excess mortality in June

In the second quarter of 2023, mortality stood at slightly over 39 thousand. This is 1.9 thousand (5 percent) more than expected. In three weeks of June, there was excess mortality among long-term...


Turnover accommodation and food services in Q2 2022 above pre-COVID level

Both turnover and volume were higher in the second quarter of 2022 than before, for the first time since the outbreak of the coronavirus crisis.


Consumers less negative in November

In November 2023, Dutch consumers are less negative than they were in the previous month.


Investments over 4 percent up in March

In March 2023, the volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was up by 4.4 percent year on year.


Exports slightly down in April

In April, the total volume of goods exports was down by 0.5 percent year on year.


Economic growth of 2.1 percent in Q3 2021

According to the second estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 2.1 percent in Q3 2021 relative to Q2 2021. In the first estimate growth amounted...


Dutch people more pessimistic about the future of society

In 2021, people in the Netherlands were more pessimistic about the future society than in 2018.


Household consumption slightly down in October

Households spent 0.2 percent less in October 2023 year on year, adjusted for price changes. They bought more services, but fewer goods.


Nearly 8 in 10 people shop online in 2023

In the first half of 2023, 78 percent of the population aged 12 years or older said they had made an online purchase.


Structural changes in material flows, 1950-2020

Structural changes in material use since 1950 are presented and analysed. An Index Decomposition Analysis for CO2 emissions is conducted.


Towards a new method of calculating energy prices

In 2022 CBS launched methodology research in order to find out in more detail at what prices households in the Netherlands buy electricity and gas given the wide variety in energy prices.


Integrating Monetary Environmental Accounts

The Environmental Accounts describe the relation between the economy and environment. This report focusses on streamlining and the integration of the input and output of the Monetary Environmental...


Fewer goods, more services to the UK in 2021

In 2021, Dutch goods exports to the United Kingdom amounted to 40.5 billion euros.


Business confidence up in Q1 2023

At the start of Q1 2023, entrepreneurial confidence increased from slightly negative to positive (6.4).


Unemployment rate slightly down in October

In October, unemployment fell to 3.6 percent of the labour force. In September, it stood at 3.7 percent in September, which means that the slight increase in unemployment over the past six months did...


Economic outlook deteriorates further in October

The economic climate in October 2023 is more negative than it was in September.


Land use; all categories, municipalities

Traffic area, Built up area, Forest, Natural area, Water Netherlands, Municipalities


Manufacturers slightly less negative

Dutch manufacturers were slightly less negative in October than one month previously.
