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1791 results for consumption
1791 results for consumption

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Dutch economy growing greener

The Dutch economy has become greener over the past 15 years. Five out six themes structured around greening of the economy show a positive trend. The environmental efficiency of the Dutch economy is...


SDG 8.1 Economy and factors of production

Latest data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8 Decent work and economic growth: economy and factors of production. SDG 8.1 focuses on making the economy more sustainable and more efficient. In...


Dutch economy recovers further in fourth quarter 2010

Dutch economic growth in the fourth quarter of 2010 was 2.4 percent compared with the same period in the previous year.


Statistics Netherlands flash estimate: economic growth still fragile

According to flash estimate of economic growth the Dutch economy grew by 0.2 percent from the second quarter to the third quarter of 2014.


Regional accounts; key figures 1995-2011

GDP, GDP per capita, Value added, Compensation of employees, Labour input by region


Dutch consumers do not contribute to worldwide emission reduction of greenhouse gases

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused to meet the economic needs of Dutch consumers were nearly 6 percent lower in 2009 than in 1996, but the total amount of global greenhouse gas emissions as a...


Economic situation improves marginally again

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has improved marginally in March 2015 relative to February.


Sales of cigarettes and rolling tobacco down

The amount of manufactured and hand-rolled cigarettes sold in 2008 declined 3 percent relative to 2007. At the same time, Dutch consumer spending on these products increased 4 percent.


Dutch economy shrinks considerably

The Dutch economy shrank by 1.1 percent in the third quarter compared to the preceding quarter. In the first two quarters, the Dutch economy had grown by 0.1 percent


Egg prices continually rising

In February 2010, the average price of eggs was 11 percent higher than one year ago.


Economic contraction of 5.4 percent

The Dutch economy contracted by 5.4 percent in the second quarter of 2009 relative to the same period in 2008. In the first quarter, the downturn was 4.5 percent.


Higher CO2 emissions in Q1 2017

In Q1 2017, CO2 emissions in the Netherlands were higher than in Q1 2016.


Netherlands closer to achieving sustainability goals

Second measurement of the Netherlands' progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals
