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3356 results for nature value
3356 results for nature value

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Operating surplus

Value added after subtraction of employees' remuneration and net payments of /revenues from product-related taks and subsidies, e.g. property taks and motor vehicle taks.


Gross domestic product (market prices) (GDP)

The final result of productive activities of production units in the Netherlands. It equals the sum of value added in all sectors of industry, and includes some transactions that are not classified...


Feasibility study on linking ownership info to Exiobase

Feasibility study on linking ownership information to Exiobase


Regional accounts; economic growth 2008-2013

GDP, volume changes; Value added, volume changes by economic activity Regions; Periods


Income from labour

or persons and households this is wage and salary including employee-paid and employer-paid premiums for social insurance, bonuses, save-as-you-earn deductions and remuneration for labour carried out...


Imputed banking services

The compensation of banks for financial intermediation, i.e. the acquisition, transformation and issuing of financial assets. The compensation for these services is implicitly included in the...


Direct wage

The regular payment in money that belong to the gross wage applicable for social insurance schemes plus the value of the untaxed vacation certificates and savings schemes, the employee’s contribution...


Dutch Standard Classification of Occupations (SBC) 1992

The classification of occupations used by Statistics Netherlands until 2012 is based on type of work. In the 1992 classification the level and field of the required skills are the main criteria. The...


Dutch chocolate exports spreading

The Netherlands exported domestically produced chocolate and semi-finished products worth 2.8 bn euros in 2015.


Tourism sector continues to grow

The tourism sector is becoming increasingly important to the Dutch economy.


Environm. goods and services sector; industries, ec.indicators, 2001-2012

Environmental sector by economic activity and per environmental domain Environmental protection, Resource management and Economic activity


Environmental Goods and Services Sector; industries, 1995 - 2011

Environmental sector by economic activity and per environmental domain Environmental protection, Resource management and Economic activity



Abbreviation of the Dutch property value (WOZ).


Stocks of fixed assets

The total value of fixed assets.


Wages in kind

The value of all goods and services supplied by employers to employees.


Labour productivity (agriculture)

Net value added per worker as an indicator of economic performance in the agricultural sector.


Other taxes on production

Taxes on production payable by the producers regardless of the volume or value of the products sold.


Expected investments current/next year

The purchase value of the fixed material assets that will be used in the current or next year.


Volume change

The weighted average of the changes in the volume and quality of the parts of particular goods or service transactions or the value added.


Valuation at current prices

Valuation at current prices means that the flows and stocks in a given reporting period are valued at the prices of that period.


Taxes on products

Taxes payable per unit produced or traded. They are related to the value and volume of the product and apply to produced and imported products.


Brown coal (incl. sub-bituminous coal)

Coal with a calorific value less than 23,865 megajoule per kilogram and a content of volatile matter of more than 31 percent (ash-free dry weight).


Technical provisions

The present value of expected future benefits and costs minus premiums and investment income. Also included are provisions for premiums receipts and for claims payments that are settled in another...


Operating costs

The costs made to achieve the operating profits, that is the purchase value of the turnover, labour costs, and depreciation on assets, and other business expenditure.
