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1627 results for mortgage costs
1627 results for mortgage costs

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CBS experiments with agricultural sensor data

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is continuously innovating, also in the field of business data collection. We are permanently on the look-out for new data sources and alternative ways of collecting...


CBS mapping online platforms

We are trying to assess how many online platforms there are. This is not information which we can simply derive from our business registers


Environmental and economic key figures 1995-2012

Environment and Economics; Environmental Accounts; Airemissions Industries


Inflation rate further up

According to the consumer price index (CPI), inflation in the Netherlands climbed to 0.4 percent in March. In February the consumer price increase was 0.2 percent. Statistics Netherlands announced...


Investment climate; market competition international comparison 1990-2011

Mark-up, barriers to entrepreneurship, trade and investment, employment protection legislation and state support broken down by country


Inflation rate rises to 1.7 percent in January

Inflation rate rises to 1.7 percent in January.


Well-being not distributed equally

Highly educated people often have a higher level of well-being than lower educated people but are more often victims of crime.


Base shift for index series

The present index series are generally based on 2005 = 100. To keep these index series up to date, a base shift is introduced every fives years. In 2013 the base year 2005 will be replaced by base...


Inflation rate up to 0.2 percent

Price developments (inflation) in the Netherlands according to the CPI


Economy 0.7 percent in decline

According to the first, provisional estimate, the Dutch economy declined by 0.7 percent in the fourth quarter of 2011 relative to the same period in 2010.


Revision  national accounts: Results for the report year 2010

Today, the first results of the revised version of the national accounts will be published by Statistics Netherlands. The direct cause for the revision is the adoption of new international...


Price index figures on the production of buildings, 2000 - 2016

Production indices on total output Price construction, new construction of houses, private sector and non-commercial sector.


Price index civil engineering works, 2000 = 100

Price indices on the basis of 2000=100 and changes compared to 1 year previously regarding several areas of work


Consumption by type of goods and services; NA, 1969-2016

Final consumption expenditure Type of goods and services


Inflation further down to 0.6 percent

According to the consumer price index (CPI), inflation was 0.6 percent in September. Statistics Netherlands reports that in August consumer prices were 0.8 percent higher than one year...


Raised state pension age curbs spending on benefits

In 2017, raising the statutory pension (AOW) entitlement age resulted in savings of approximately 1.7 billion euros. The situation after raising the entitlement age is compared with the entitlement...


Care and rent allowances continue to rise, childcare allowance lower again

Dutch central government paid just over 10.4 billion euros in income-related allowances for housing, health care and children in 2013. Spending on care allowances, in particular, rose, to 5.1 billion...


Budget surplus of almost 3 bn euros in 2016

The Netherlands has a budget surplus of nearly 3 bn euros for the first time since the global financial crisis.


Nearly 60 million passengers going via Schiphol

Nearly 60 million passengers going via Amsterdam Schiphol Airport


January's inflation rate marginally lower

January’s inflation rate according to the consumer price index (CPI) was 0.6 percent. In December consumer prices were 0.7 percent higher than one year previously.


fewer apprenticeships for mbo students in 2013

As a result of the economic situation in the Netherlands nearly 18 thousand fewer apprenticeship places were available in 2013 than in 2012 for students in the apprenticeship-based track (bbl) of...
