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2389 results for health insurance
2389 results for health insurance

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Jobs and wages, ultimate control of enterprises (SIC 1993) 2006-2008

Enterprises, employee characteristics, jobs and wages UCI, year, SIC 1993, size class


Economic growth of 1.1 percent in 2005

The growth rate of the Dutch economy in 2005 reached 1.1 percent. This is lower than the 1.7 percent growth rate in 2004, but well above the figures for the years 2002-2003.


Unemployment further down in July

Unemployment has fallen for the third month in a row. More people recently found work.


Sector accounts; current transactions 1969 - q4 2013

Current transactions and balancing items of economic sectors Sectors, resources and uses, balancing items


Working with businesses to collect CPI data

Working with businesses to collect CPI data


Budget surplus of almost 3 bn euros in 2016

The Netherlands has a budget surplus of nearly 3 bn euros for the first time since the global financial crisis.


Public deficit 2014 the same as in 2013

The public deficit over 2014 was 2.3 percent of GDP. Central government and the social funds were the largest contributors to the deficit. The municipal deficit has fallen sharply, but the provincial...


Unemployment further down

In the fourth quarter of 2015 unemployment declined by an average of 7 thousand a month, whereas the downward trend stalled in August and September. In December 588 thousand people in the Netherlands...


Economic growth continues at sturdy pace

Dutch economic growth was 2.4 percent in the second quarter of 2006. Employment also continued to rise.


Economic growth 2.9 percent in 2006

The Dutch economy grew by 2.9 percent in 2006. This is nearly twice the growth in 2005.


Structure national net lending/borrowing; NA, 1995-2016

Structure of national net lending/borrowing Annual data


Approaches of domestic product (GDP); NA, 1969-2016

Data on the output components, final expenditure categories and income components of the Dutch GDP


National Accounts 2009; Output, consumption, income

Output, intermediate consumption, gross value added By industries and sector


Consumer price index households of wage earners (CPI-W), 2000=100

Consumer price indices households of wage earners Index figures. Consumer goods (base year 2000=100)


National Accounts; approaches of domestic product (GDP); 1969 - 2012

Data on the output components, final expenditure categories and income components of the Dutch GDP


How data determine who are the people of Europe

How data determine who are the people of Europe


People with social security benefits

Figures on the number of people with benefits concerning labour disablement, unemployment, income support and national insurances, end of December 2007, 2012 and 2018


Requests for legal aid and reason request by characteristics

Requests for legal aid and reason make a request for legal aid; sex, age, level of education, socio - economic group


GDP, output and expenditures; changes, QNA, 1995-2017

Quarterly data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions. Value, volume and price changes


economic situation more or less stable

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in January 2015 is about the same as in December, but the economic recovery is still fragile.


Quarterly National Accounts; values 1988- Q1 2014

Quarterly data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions. Values at current prices and chainlinked volume 2005 prices


Quarterly National Accounts; changes 1988 - q1 2014

Quarterly data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions. Value,volume and price changes


Economic situation improves marginally

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in February 2015 is slightly better than in January, but the economic recovery is still fragile. In the period...


Consumer prices on Bonaire continue to rise

Consumer prices on Bonaire were 2.2 percent up year-on-year in Q4 2019.
