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3448 results for data visualisations
3448 results for data visualisations

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Exports up by over 10 percent in March

In March 2021, the total volume of goods exports was up by 10.4 percent year-on-year.


Satellite account for culture and media 2018

Besides the contribution of culture and media to the Dutch economy and the different good, services and branches of industry playing a part here, the cultural and media goods and services are grouped...


Cas - Data Scientist

About Cas Retel data scientist


New regulations direct the role of CBS

The Dutch government has ratified the agreements governing the way Statistics Netherlands (CBS) works with the public sector, academia and business.


CBS Urban Data Centre/The Hague launched

innovative developments in the area of Sustainable Development Goals


Nederland migratieland

Wat is onze migratiegeschiedenis? En hoe is het nu? Waar komen immigranten bijvoorbeeld vandaan en wat zijn hun motieven? Nederland migratieland uitgelegd door CBS-hoofdsocioloog Tanja Traag. Inhoud:...


Data editing conference: new methods and standards

new methodology and international standards in statistics production


Sector accounts; seasonally adjusted data, NA, 1999-2017

Transactions and balancing items of economic sectors Non seasonally adjusted and seasonally adjusted figures


Festive launch ODISSEI open data platform

An open data platform for humanities and social sciences, ODISSEI, was launched on 27 October.


Heerlen introduces digital rewards for local participation

How do you encourage residents to get involved in their local community?


Samenwerking CBS Urban Data Center en Eindhoven

Locoburgemeester Scheurs spreekt over het belang van de samenwerking tussen het CBS Urban Data Center en Eindhoven. Het is het begin van data gedreven beleid. Meer informatie over de Urban Data...


The need for timely official statistics

This paper discusses how Statistics Netherlands managed to respond quickly with a range of new outputs following the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic. First, it describes the innovation process and...


Nearly 4.4 thousand COVID-19 deaths in January

In January 2021, altogether 4,387 people died of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.


Deriving a test set to classify patterns in hours paid in administrative data

Automatically classifying reporting patterns in hours paid in administrative data


Retail turnover almost 10 percent up in May

In May, the Dutch retail sector recorded 9.7 percent year-on-year turnover growth.


Dutch Natural Capital Accounts 2013-2018

The Natural Capital Accounts (NKR) are a statistical framework, intended to map the relationship between nature, economy and human activities in a transparent and internationally comparable manner.


What is synthetic data?

Synthetic data simulate characteristics of the relationships between people and objects (e.g. a school or a neighbourhood) so that a real-life situation can be reconstructed without identifying the...


Undermortality in week 25

In week 25 (21 to 27 June 2021 inclusive), the estimated number of deaths stood at 2,550. This is considerably fewer than expected for this period, i.e. there was undermortality.


CBS Urban Data Centres: substance and added value

About substance and added value of CBS Urban Data Centres


Open data

Open data


Sensor data improves flash estimate for inland shipping

Innovative research has been carried out to see whether data from Rijkswaterstaat’s Information and Safety System (IVS) can be used to improve the added value and production value of inland shipping...


CBS Urban Data Centre / Eindhoven

CBS and the municipality of Eindhoven join their forces in the CBS Urban Data Centre/Eindhoven. In this partnership, CBS’ knowledge on, among others, data infrastructure, data processing and privacy...


Asylum and integration 2021

Annual study of register data on reception and integration of asylum migrants arriving in the Netherlands since 2014, 2014-2020


Mortality in week 24 virtually unchanged

In week 24 (14 to 20 June 2021 inclusive), the estimated number of deaths stood at slightly over 2,850.


Multivariate density estimation by neural networks

Discussion paper about a nonparametric method to estimate the probability density of data sources
