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4273 results for business demography

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Manufacturing output almost 2 percent down in February

In February 2021, the average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 1.7 percent down on February 2020.


Producer confidence improves in March

In March 2021, the mood among Dutch manufacturers has improved. Producer confidence stands at 3.4 this month, up from 0.1 in February


Inflation rate remains 1.9 percent in April

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.9 percent higher in April than in the same month last year.


In 2019 slightly more bankruptcies than in 2018

The total number of businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) filing for bankruptcy in 2019 stood at 3,208, i.e. 63 more than in 2018.


Government balance deteriorating, but less than elsewhere in Western Europe

In 2020, the coronavirus crisis drained the government budgets of countries all across Europe.


Petroleum products balance sheet; supply, consumption stock 1946-April 2021

Petroleum products balance sheet; supply, consumption and stock Petroleum products


Imports of Digitised Products

This study provides a first reasonable experimental overview of the size of a few digitised activities in the Dutch economy. The intent behind the study is not to give a complete overview of all...


Manufacturing output prices almost 7 percent up in March

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were on average 6.8 percent up in March year-on-year.


Slightly more bankruptcies in January

The number of corporate bankruptcies, adjusted for court session days, has increased. There were 4 more bankruptcies in January than in the previous month.


Investments over 8 percent down in February

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets fell by 8.4 percent year-on-year in February 2021. The contraction is larger than in the previous month.


Consumers less pessimistic in May

In May, confidence among Dutch consumers has improved.


Trade relations with Italy

Bilateral trade between the Netherlands and Italy: imports and import dependency versus exports and export earnings.


Unemployment decline sharpest among young people

In July 2021, 289 thousand people were unemployed. This is 3.1 percent of the labour force.


Household consumption almost 11 percent down in February

Consumers spent 10.7 percent less in February 2021 than in the same month last year.


Economic contraction 0.1 percent in Q4 2020

According to the second estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), Dutch gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 0.1 percent in Q4 2020 relative to the previous quarter.


Economic contraction 0.1 percent in Q4 2020

In Q4 2020, gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 0.1 percent relative to the previous quarter. In 2020, the economy shrank by 3.8 percent year-on-year.


Manufacturing output 0.6 percent up in January

In January 2021, the average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 0.6 percent up on January 2020.


Consumers less pessimistic in April

In April, confidence among Dutch consumers has improved.


CBS investigates imports of digital services

The past decade has seen our economy undergo a metamorphosis thanks to digitisation.


Manufacturing output 0.2 percent down in December

In December 2020, the average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 0.2 percent down on December 2019.


Unemployment in June dips below 300 thousand

In June 2021, 297 thousand people were unemployed. This is 3.2 percent of the labour force.


Economic picture less favourable

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in February is less favourable than in the previous month again.


Manufacturing output prices 0.6 percent up in February

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were on average 0.6 percent up in February year-on-year.


Research into fair and explainable algorithms

In Dutch society, more and more decisions are being made by automated systems that use algorithms.


Producer confidence slightly lower in February

In February 2021, the mood among Dutch manufacturers deteriorated slightly. Producer confidence stands at 0.1, down from 0.6 in January.
