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1562 results for security chain
1562 results for security chain

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Joinder during a court session

Joining several criminal cases registered separately by the public prosecutor so that they can be dealt with as one court case.


Step parent adoption

Adoption of a child by a couple of whom one of the partners is the legal or biological parent of the child.


Save-as-you-earn deduction

The part of the gross wages deposited in the employee’s account for the save-as-you-earn scheme.


Contributing family worker

A person who works, not on the basis of a an explicit employment contract, in the company or practice of the partner or parents.


Reduction of disablement volume Act (TAV)

The aim of the law is to curb the inflow into, and stimulate the outflow out of disablement provisions.


Central court of appeal

Court that decides in first and sometimes sole instance or in administrative appeals in the administrative law section of the court, in certain administrative disputes.


Degree of organisation (trade union membership rate)

The number of employees who are trade union members, expressed as a percentage of the total number of employees.


Occupational health

Protecting and improving the health of employees when related to the relationship employees have with their work and working environment.


Law on the extended obligation to pay sickness benefits (WULBZ)

This law prescribes that employers must pay the employees wage during sickness for a maximum of one year.


Working in shifts

Working in a system where the working hours of two or more groups of employees (of about equal numbers) follow or slightly overlap.


Open-ended labour contract

An employment contract which does not specify a fixed period of time or a final date of employment, except a retirement date.


Work and Social Assistance Act (WWB)

Dutch law that came into force on 1 January 2004 providing social assistance. It replaces the National Assistance Act (ABW) and the


Final court judgement

Verdict by a judge in a civil law case started with a summons and ending with a final decision in the relevant instance.


Wage restraint

A reduction in the pay increases of contractual wages. The main reason is to use the money saved to create new jobs or limit reductions.


Basic qualification

A diploma at the level of senior general secondary education (havo), pre-university education (vwo), or level-2 of senior secondary vocational education (mbo).



Verdict by a judge who feels there is no proof that the suspect committed the crime he/she was charged with by the public prosecutor.



Official document (writ) summoning a person to appear in court to settle a conflict (civil procedure) or to go on trial on criminal charges (criminal procedure)



Authority over a minor and over the minor’s possessions based on a court decision, given to one parent or to a third party when there is no parental authority over the child.


Sick leave percentage (private sector)

The number of days of sick leave as a percentage of the number of available working days. Not included is absence after one year of sickness.


Trade union

Organisation of employees with the aim to represent the collective and/or individual interests of its members in the face of employers and organisations influencing labour conditions.


Contractual wage costs

The collective labour agreement wage rate including special payments plus the legally and contractually required employee contributions for pensions, early retirement, unemployment, labour disability...


Unemployment Benefits Act (WW)

The law insures employees against the financial consequences of unemployment. The duration of the WW benefits depends on the employment record.


Minimum wage earner

Employee earning the minimum wage applicable to his/her age or less. For part-time workers the minimum wage is proportional to the number of weekly hours worked.


Company pension fund

A pension fund linked to a company which accumulates money for the pensions of the people who are or were working in the company.


International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) 1988

The International Standard Classification of Occupations revised in 1988 under the supervision of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and introduced in 1990.
