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3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)
3615 results for General Inspectorate (AID)

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Manufacturing output over 2 percent up in November

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 2.1 percent up in November compared to the same month one year previously.


Health accounts; providers and functions, 2005-2013

Health accounts; providers and functions, with link to Dutch health and social care accounts


Consumers slightly more pessimistic in October

Dutch consumers slightly more pessimistic in October. The consumer confidence indicator stands at -30, down from -28 in September. Consumers are extremely gloomy about future unemployment in October...


Health expenditure; providers, functions, internat. comparisons, 2005-2016

Health accounts; providers and functions, with link to Dutch health and social care accounts


Decline in farmland flora and fauna as of 1900

Flora and fauna on Dutch farmland have gone through substantial changes over the 20th century.


Health accounts; providers and financing, 2005-2013

Health Accounts; providers and financing, with link to Dutch Health and Social Care Accounts


Statistics Netherlands, city of Eindhoven join forces to launch first CBS Urban Data Center

CBS and the city of Eindhoven have embarked on a unique joint project


Manufacturing output over 3 percent up in October

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 34 percent up in October compared to the same month last year.


Less protein crop farming in the Netherlands

Cultivation of protein crops such as alfalfa, field beans and soybeans has decreased this year.


The IM: measuring globalisation

For ten years already, it has described the consequences and characteristics of globalisation as they apply to the Netherlands in an accessible manner


CBS develops dashboard on well-being in times of coronavirus

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) aims to make interpretation and implementation of its figures as easy as possible for its users.


Towards a longer and healthier life

If the trend observed in the past three decades with respect to mortality and health is to continue, the age until which people in the Netherlands are free from physical limitations in mobility,...


Health expenditure; providers, financing, internat. comparisons, 2005-2016

Health Accounts; providers and financing, with link to Dutch Health and Social Care Accounts


Practices of health practitioners; finance, 2005-2015

Practices of general practitioners, dentists, orthodontists, physiotherapists, midwifes and remedial therapists


Investment climate; market competition international comparison 1990-2011

Mark-up, barriers to entrepreneurship, trade and investment, employment protection legislation and state support broken down by country


Big Data value for the public and private sector

The Big Data Value Association (BDVA) aims to put Big Data firmly on the map in order to boost European economic competitiveness and societal progress


Population Outlook 2050: more people with a migration background

The number of inhabitants with a migration background is highly likely to increase until the year 2050.


Analysis of harbour porpoise data and evaluation of North Sea monitoring

Analysis of various harbour porpoise data for the period 1991/1992-2017/2018 to evaluate the monitoring in the North Sea.


Health and health systems compared internationally

Internationally, the Netherlands has relatively low smoking rates and few foreign-trained medical doctors, while relatively little is spent on non-reimbursed medicines.


Expenditure on care 6.2 percent up

Last year, national spending on health care and welfare totalled 79 billion euro, a 6.2 percent increase on 2007.


State of health of the Dutch population

Health perception, height, obesity, health complaints, physical limitations, psychosocial complaints by sex, type of insurance,


Economic outlook less negative in mid-October

The economic situation according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer has become less unfavourable in October.


A clearer picture of online platforms in the Netherlands

Whether we want to sell new or second-hand products, book a hotel room or simply share photos on social media, online platforms are taking on an ever-greater role, both in our society and in our...


Manufacturing output over 1 percent down in April

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 1.2 percent down in April 2019 compared to the same month one year previously.
