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11278 results for people working from home
11278 results for people working from home

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Number of centenarians increasing, most living in Zeeland

On 1 January 2023, the Netherlands had 1,572 residents who were one hundred years old or more


House price increase 19.5 percent in March

In March, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 19.5 percent more expensive than in the same month last year.


International trade; Dutch export specialisation with respect to the EU

Balassa index, share in total exports, exports of Dutch products and re-exports broken down by the Chapters of the Harmonised System.


Labour productivity increased further in 2022

Labour productivity in the market sector increased by 1.0 percent year-on-year in 2022. A year earlier, labour productivity still improved by 4.3 percent.


International trade; import and export value, SITC (3 digits), countries

Import, export value and trade balance of goods; SITC (3 digits) and countries.


Over half of voting population aged 50 and over

An estimated 13.3 million inhabitants of the Netherlands are eligible voters in the upcoming parliamentary elections on 22 November 2023. This is equivalent to 91 percent of the population aged 18...


CPI; Overview COVID-19 adjustments, as from April 2020

Statistics Netherlands maps where action had to be taken in the consumer price index because of the consequences of COVID-19 as from April 2020.


CBS expertise on large enterprises in high demand

The Dutch economy relies to a great extent on multinationals and large companies which operate worldwide.


Economic outlook less positive

The economic climate in September 2022 was less positive than in August, according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer.


Exports up by 8.5 percent in October

In October 2022, the total volume of goods exports was up by 8.5 percent year on year.


Household consumption 0.4 percent up in July

Households spent 0.4 percent more in July 2023 year on year, adjusted for price changes.


Emissions to air on Dutch territory; mobile sources

Air pollution, emissions of mobile sources Road traffic, inland shipping, railways, aviation, navigation, machinery.


Caribbean Netherlands: job growth over 50 percent in 10 years

Between 2011 and 2021, the number of employee jobs in the Caribbean Netherlands rose by 53 percent to 13.6 thousand. Job growth was over twice as high on Bonaire compared to St Eustatius and Saba.


Investment down by over 1 percent in July

In July 2024, the investment volume for tangible fixed assets was down by over 1 percent year on year.


Caribbean NL: lifestyle; personal characteristics

Smoking, alcohol, height and weight, contraceptive pill Sex, age, educational level


Distribution of well-being in 2020 similar to 2019

Well-being is not equally distributed in the Netherlands.


Population pyramid

Population pyramid x 1,000 Age composition in the Nederlands 2023 (estimate)


Flash estimate of the consumer price index (CPI)

‘Flash estimate’ of the consumer price index (CPI)


Nearly 230 thousand fewer hospital admissions in 2020

In 2020, the total number of hospital admissions stood at 2.7 million. This is 12 percent lower than in 2019.


Ensembles of networks

About viewing a given network as a realization of a network which belongs to a certain set of networks, called an ensemble. It is comparable to viewing a population as being generated from a...


Excess mortality in May, except in the last week

In the last week of May (week 21, 23 to 29 May 2022 inclusive), the estimated number of deaths stood at 2,850.


Investment up by over 7 percent in April

In April 2024, the investment volume for tangible fixed assets was up by 7.4 percent year on year.


Consumers slightly less pessimistic

Consumers are slightly less gloomy in November than they were in October, when a record low in consumer confidence was reached.
