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2649 results for corporate social responsibility
2649 results for corporate social responsibility

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Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen (UWV)

The public organisation overseeing the implementation of Dutch social security laws.


Labour costs (in the production statistics)

In the production statistics by Statistics Netherlands the labour costs are the gross wages and salaries of employees and the social contributions payable by the employers.


Collective agreements

This includes: - Collectively labour agreements (CAO in Dutch) Wages and other working conditions laid down by the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment; - Wages and other working conditions laid...


Most Syrian asylum seekers have housing

Many Syrians and Eritreans have a residence permit and housing, but most depend on social welfare.


Direct wage

The regular payment in money that belong to the gross wage applicable for social insurance schemes plus the value of the untaxed vacation certificates and savings schemes, the employee’s contribution...


Non-profit institution (NPI)

A legal or social unit intended for the production of goods whose status does not permit it to use profits or other financial earnings as a source of income. In practice, its productive activities...



The main indicator for poverty is the disposable household income. Statistics Netherlands uses two measures: the low income threshold and social minimum income.


Pension benefits

Private social security benefits of old- age pension insurance, life insurance or insurance against disability taken out by employers for their employees at pension funds and life insurance companies.


Financially independent

Situation in which the personal income from primary income sources and social insurances is higher than the low income concept used by Statistics Netherlands for one-person households.


Sector local government

Sub sector of the institutional sector general government. The sub sector includes aspects of government that do not belong to central government or social security institutions. Examples are...


Non-produced assets

Economic assets that came about by a something that was not the result of a production process. These may be tangible and intangible assets and are classified by how they came into being. Some occur...


Rest-of-the-world current account

The balancing item covers current transactions between resident and non-residents, that is, transactions involving goods, services and income. The latter include primary income (capital gains and...


Personnel costs

This category comprises expenses like - gross wages and salaries of employees, including social security and pension scheme contributions - payments for temporary workers and hired personnel -...


Exports to Germany account for 6.7 percent of GDP

Dutch enterprises earned over 45 bn euros in exports to Germany, good for 6.7 percent of GDP.


Government Finance Statistics and the Enhanced Economic Governance package (Sixpack)

CBS publishes monthly cash balances and annual figures on contingent liabilities for the Directive EU-2011/85



To compile data at the national level about current topics in society, with the focus on how the Dutch population perceives them.


Housing situation

Social-economic perspective on how people live in their homes.


Employers' direct benefits

Payments by employers to (former) employees, directly without involvement of the social funds.


Adult basic education

Courses intended for adults with a very low level of education. The courses focus on teaching language, arithmetic and social skills.


Gross fixed capital formation by government

Investments to expand or replace assets by Central government and other public sector enterprises and social , households and non-profit organisations.


Subjective well-being

The degree of satisfaction one feels about one’s financial and social position, housing situation, leisure, friends, society, marriage and family.


Personal income

An individual’s gross income is made up of: income from work, income from enterprise, benefits from income insurance and social benefits (except child allowances).



Non-Dutch person who, according to the Geneva convention of 1951, has legitimate grounds to fear prosecution because of religious or political beliefs, nationality, race or belonging to a particular...


Wages and salaries according to National accounts

The compensation for the employee who has worked in a given period and which is payable by the employer, including the wage tax and social premiums paid by the employer on behalf of the employee.
