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CBS starts unique initiative for Big Data research

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) starts unique initiative for Big Data research


Smart ways of monitoring solar power

Smart ways of monitoring solar power.


Strong growth of Dutch exports

The volume of exports of goods was up by 5.4 percent in July 2015 from July 2014. This growth is stronger than in the preceding five months, according to Statistics Netherlands, and most substantial...


Incomes households and corporate profits up

The real disposable household income rose by 0.4 percent in 2014. After correction for inflation, household incomes improved for the first time since 2011. Today, the average household income is...


Considerable increase over-30s in mbo

In the school year 2009/’10, more than 30 thousand men and  31 thousand women over the age of 30 participated in secondary vocational education (mbo), an increase by nearly two thirds...


Local government to a large extent financially dependent on The Hague

The local government level is fairly comprehensive in the Netherlands. But local government, including municipalities and provinces, is  to a large extent financially dependent on The...


Consumers still cautious in May

The volume of domestic consumption by households was 0.6 percent smaller in May 2004 than in May last year after correction for the composition of shopping days. Before correction the volume was 2.7...


The State; government sector, ESA accounts 1996-2010

ESA transactions government sector; revenue and expenditure on current and capital account, net lending/net borrowing on financial account


Higher contribution exports to GDP and more jobs

The importance of exports has increased substantially in the period 2010-2013. In 2013, exports contributed 32.4 percent to the GDP, i.e. 3 percentage points more than in 2010.


Maritime data: big data source with great potential

A European project group led by Stastistics Netherlands is conducting a study on AIS-data


Number of dementia-related deaths increased to 12.5 thousand

Today, Statistics Netherlands reports that 12.5 thousand Dutch people died from the effects of dementia last year.


CBS and the city of Heerlen start up Urban Data Center

CBS, Heerlen start Urban Data Center


More than 100 thousand children in youth care

In 2012, 103 thousand young people (approximately 3 percent) received youth care. Amsterdam has the highest number of children in youth care, but the highest proportion of children in youth care was...


Sharp increase AWBZ costs

Over the past decade, the costs of the Exceptional Medical Expenses Act (AWBZ) have risen by nearly 75 percent. Important factors are population ageing, less rigid access criteria to health...


CBS launching Center for Big Data Statistics

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is focusing more and more on the use of big data for official statistics production.


Collectively negotiated wages 1.6 percent up in 2012

Collectively negotiated wages rose by 1.6 percent last year, i.e. 0.5 percentage points more than in 2011. The inflation rate over 2012 was 2.5 percent and has been above the increase in collectively...


Higher bonuses for employees in 2011

The average bonus of employees has risen by 5 percent in 2011. On average, the highest bonuses were paid in the sectors mineral extraction and financial services.
