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2649 results for corporate social responsibility
2649 results for corporate social responsibility

Page 42 of 106

Daily wage

The wage per day including the holiday bonus share that serves as the basis for calculating social benefits.


Health accounts; providers and functions, 2005-2013

Health accounts; providers and functions, with link to Dutch health and social care accounts


Gross wage

Wage before income tax and employee contributions to pension and early retirement schemes, employee savings schemes and social security contribution.


Net wage

The gross wage minus pension premiums, early retirement and health insurance paid by the employee, if applicable plus transfer and minus wage tax and social security premiums.


Gross annual wage

The sum of gross wages, the annual wage applicable for social insurance schemes, employee contributions to pension and early retirement schemes and employee savings schemes.


Buying power households declining in 2003

In 2003 the real spendable income of households decreased for the first time in ten years. Corporate profits shrank but there were higher profits in banking. The budget deficit went up, mainly caused...


Labour costs

The employer's cost directly related to employing individuals in the production process. These consist of two main components: wages and salaries paid, and the employer's share in social...


Degree of occupational disability

The percentage determined by the UWV (social security agency) indicating to what extent someone is unable to earn the same as a comparable healthy person. The UVW determines the percentage on the...


Labour costs (in the labour cost survey)

All costs connected with employing workers. These include compensation of employees, training costs and a number of other costs. The compensation of employees consists of two components: wages and...


Act on Income Provisions for Older and Partially Disabled, Formerly Self-employed Persons (IOAZ)

The law provides older and partially disabled persons who were formerly self-employed with a minimum guaranteed income, when their income is permanently below the social minimum and who have ended...


CBS showcases innovative products and services

On the innovationportal CBS presents its services and products in development in the field of innovation.


More bankruptcies in May

The number of corporate bankruptcies has risen.


Health accounts; providers and financing, 2005-2013

Health Accounts; providers and financing, with link to Dutch Health and Social Care Accounts


Health accounts; functions and financing, 2005-2013

Health accounts; functions and financing, with link to Dutch health and social care accounts


Wage sum

The total of wages and social premiums paid by employers. Use for: Compensation of employees.


Labour relations

The system of material and immaterial terms of employment and working conditions: nature of the work, social security, status of the work, authority, working climate, information and communication.


Contractual wage costs

The collective labour agreement wage rate including special payments plus the legally and contractually required employee contributions for pensions, early retirement, unemployment, labour disability...


Residential property rents 9 percent up since introduction new rent policy

Residential property rents were raised by an average of 4.4 percent in July 2014. High-income tenants living in dwellings intended to provide affordable housing for low-income households faced the...


Fire service attending to more non-fire incidents

In 2019, the control room of The Netherlands Fire Service processed 238 thousand reported incidents, i.e. 3 percent less than in the previous year. The number of reports and call-outs was up for both...


Mapping migrant flows with satellites

Mapping migrant flows with satellites and social media


Investment climate; society, 1990-2013

Job mobility, social benefits, minimum wage Countries, periods


CBS mapping online platforms

We are trying to assess how many online platforms there are. This is not information which we can simply derive from our business registers


133 thousand security employees in 2016

Of all employed persons in 2016, 1.6 percent (133 thousand persons) were security employees.
