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3260 results for base shift
3260 results for base shift

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Inflation rate rose to 1.6 percent in January

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.6 percent higher in January than in the same month last year.


Less coal and more natural gas consumption in 2019

In 2019, total energy consumption in the Netherlands stood at 3,080 petajoules (PJ), more or less the same as in the previous year.


Key figures of the population forecasts 2020-2070

Forecast; population, births, deaths and migration with forecast intervals


Economic outlook again less negative

The economic situation according to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer has become again less unfavourable in December.


Regulation of working hours

Working hours are divided into: - regular working hours (only during the day on week days), - irregular working hours (distinguishable in: working evenings, working nights, working Saturdays and...


Seeking partners for adequate measuring of the economy

In view of all kinds of developments, such as globalisation, digitisation and the shift towards services, measurement of the Dutch economy requires additional attention


Bonaire; Household income per neighbourhood, 2011-2018

Income of private households on Bonaire per neighbourhood, 2011 - 2018


Collective labour agreement (CAO) wage rates

The collective labour agreement (CAO in Dutch) wage rate including special payments contains the following elements: - Gross basic wage rates for hours normally worked by fulltime employees. - All...


Inflation rate up to 1.0 percent in December

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.0 percent higher in December than in the same month last year.


More spending power for Statia’s low-income groups in 2018

St Eustatius once again recorded a rise in consumer purchasing power in 2018. The median increase was 2 percent relative to 2017.


Sharpest drop in motor fuel prices since 2008

In March 2020, when the COVID-19 crisis erupted in the Netherlands, pump prices of motor fuels dropped by 6.1 percent on average relative to the previous month.


Sick leave (government)

Shifting year average of the percentage of sick leave in the public sector. It refers to sick leave including leave of more than one year and excluding pregnancy and maternity leave. It indicates...


Amusement and theme parks; visitors, staff, costs and revenues 1998 - 2018

Number of amusement and theme parks, visitors, staff, costs, revenues period, costs, revenues, visitors


Fair algorithms in context

Decisions in our society are increasingly supported by Artificial Intelligence (AI). In this work we refer to AI as computers doing ‘intelligent’ tasks. This can for example be determining good moves...


A clearer picture of wealth in the Netherlands

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) is improving its wealth statistics.


More traffic deaths among people in their twenties and thirties

In 2019, a total of 661 people in the Netherlands died in a traffic accident. This is 17 less than in 2018, but the annual number of traffic deaths is still higher compared to the years 2012-2017.


Life expectancy at age 65 to be 20.82 years by 2026

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) projects life expectancy at age 65 to be 20.82 years in 2026. Policy makers will use this figure in setting the future state pension (AOW) entitlement age.


Coronavirus pandemic increases urgency of new data sources for CBS

Society’s need to describe complex phenomena - such as the consequences of an economic crisis - is growing exponentially.


GDP growth rate 0.4 percent in Q4 2019

According to the first estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands GDP expanded by 0.4 percent in Q4 2019 relative to the previous quarter. Last year, GDP rose by 1.7 percent.


Population growth halved in 2020

In 2020 – the year of coronavirus – the population of the Netherlands grew less rapidly than in previous years.


Local units of enterprises, 2007-2020

Information about local units of enterprises that are classified according to the Standard Industrial Classification.


Less air traffic in February 2020

In February 2020, the aviation industry in the Netherlands recorded a year-on-year decline in the number of air passengers for the first time in seven years.


Fewer dry bulk shipments by inland vessels in 2019

In 2019, inland vessels transported 361 million tonnes of goods over Dutch waterways, i.e. 0.4 percent more than one year previously.


The planet as a basis for a new indicator of well-being

The planet as a basis for a new indicator of well-being


Economic growth of 7.8 percent in Q3 2020

According to the second estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), gross domestic product (GDP) declined by 7.8 percent in Q3 2020 relative to Q2 2020.
