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6775 results for CBS corporate news
6775 results for CBS corporate news

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Prices of natural gas and electricity

Prices of natural gas and electricity Price components and price structure


Nearly 8 in 10 people shop online in 2023

In the first half of 2023, 78 percent of the population aged 12 years or older said they had made an online purchase.


Vehicle kilometres goods vehicles; kilometres, vehicle weight, territory

Vehicle kilometres of lorries and road tractors (Dutch and foreign vehicles) by territory, vehicle construction years, gross vehicle weight


Imports of goods and services by destination; National Accounts

Imports of goods and services by destination Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC 2008)


Services producer price index (SPPI); index 2021=100

Price indices commercial services, different branches such as transport and storage, IT and architecture


Retail turnover nearly 5 percent up in October

The Dutch retail sector recorded 4.7 percent year-on-year turnover growth.


Manufacturing output prices over 5 percent down in October

Output prices of Dutch-manufactured products were on average 5.3 percent lower in October relative to one year previously.


Employment;sex,type of employment contract,employee characteristics,SIC2008

Jobs and working hours broken down by economic activity, sex, charateristics of employee and job.


Employment; sex; type of employment contract, size of company, SIC2008

Jobs and working hours broken down by economic activity and information about employee and company.


More Dutch citizens in favour of nuclear energy

Thirty-six percent of Dutch adults think the Netherlands should make more use of nuclear energy. This was still 25 percent in 2020.


Vehicle kilometres goods vehicles; kilometres, load capacity, territory

Kilometres and average annual kilometres by Dutch and foreign lorries and road tractors, by load capacity and age of vehicle


Economy in Q1 2022 the same size as in the previous quarter

According to the first quarterly estimate , gross domestic product (GDP) remained virtually unchanged in Q1 2022 relative to the previous quarter.


CBS investigates imports of digital services

The past decade has seen our economy undergo a metamorphosis thanks to digitisation.


Goods transport; modes and flows of transport to and from the Netherlands

Domestic and cross-border goods transport (incoming and outgoing goods transport to and from the Netherlands) for all transport modes.


More women than men with psychological complaints

In 2021, 18 percent of the female population aged 12 and over were suffering from psychological complaints. This was 12 percent among the male population.


Business and ICT services; turnover index, 2015=100

Business and ICT services; turnover, 2015=100, change Naar bedrijfsactiviteit (SBI 2008)


Temporary employment agencies; turnover index, 2015=100

Temporary employment agencies. Turnover and hours worked: index, change 2015 = 100, change. By activity (SIC 2008).


Labour price index; index figures 2015=100; National Accounts

Labour price index; wage costs per hour worked Branches SIC 2008


Existing own homes; purchase prices, price index 2020=100, region

Existing own homes; price indices 2020=100 Sold dwellings, average purchase price, region


Traffic performance motor vehicles; kilometres, type of vehicle, territory

Vehicle-kilometers Dutch and foreign vehicles, passenger cars, delivery vans, lorries, road tractors, special purpose vehicles, buses


Existing own homes; purchase price indices by region 2015=100

Existing own homes, price index 2015=100 Sold dwellings, average purchase price, region


Caribbean NL; income up to social minimum benchmark

Households (relative) - Persons (relative) - Children (relative) Caribbean Netherlands - Income treshold


Provincial budgets; levies by province

Budgeted revenues provincial levies in millions of euros by province.


Compensation of employees, employment; economic activity, National Accounts

Compensation of employees, wages, labour volumes of employees economic activities, full-time and part-time jobs


Slightly more bankruptcies in May

The number of corporate bankruptcies, adjusted for court session days, has increased.
