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4256 results for use of medicines

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Nearly 1,100 more deaths than expected in last week of November

The estimated number of deaths in the last week of November (week 47, i.e. 22 to 28 November inclusive) stands at nearly 4,100.


CBS expertise on large enterprises in high demand

The Dutch economy relies to a great extent on multinationals and large companies which operate worldwide.


Vehicle mileage abroad down by one-third in 2020

In pandemic year 2020, Dutch passenger cars, delivery vans, coaches, buses and heavy goods vehicles combined travelled a total distance of almost 15 billion kilometres outside the Netherlands.


Renewable energy; final use and avoided use of fossil energy, 1990-2013

Avoided use of fossil primary energy and avoided emission of CO2 wind, solar, hydro, geothermal energy, aerothermal heat and biomass


Internationalisation Monitor 2020, fourth quarter

This Internationalisation Monitor focuses on the trade relation between the EU and the US, the effects of importtariffs on importers and exporters as well as the effect of the CETA-treaty for Dutch...


Nearly 900 more deaths than expected in week 46

In week 46 (15 to 21 November inclusive), the number of deaths stood at nearly 3,850.


Caribbean Netherlands; use of internet of persons, personal characteristics

use of internet of persons sex, age, educational level


Greenhouse gas emissions almost back at pre-COVID level

In Q2 2021, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions showed a year-on-year increase of 11 percent. This means emissions are nearing pre-COVID levels.


Higher wages and work pressure at US companies

Employees of US multinationals earn higher median wages but also work more (overtime) hours and experience higher work pressure and more mental fatigue than other multinationals and...


Nearly 850 more deaths than expected in week 45

In week 45 (8 to 14 November inclusive), the number of deaths stood at over 3,750.


Internationalisation Monitor 2022 Q2 – International trade in services

In this edition of the Internationalisation Monitor we provide more insight into international trade in services: how did it develop in the past years and what barriers do firms encounter when they...


Trade deficit with US due to re-exports

In 2016, the Netherlands’ goods trade deficit with the US hit 12 billion euros, i.e. Dutch imports of goods exceeded exports. The trade deficit can be attributed almost entirely to large re-export...


Strongest inflation in almost 20 years

The consumer price index (CPI) was 3.4 percent higher in October than in the same month last year.


1,250 more deaths than expected in October

In October, the weekly number of deaths was higher than expected; there was excess mortality in all weeks.


Six percent never use the Internet

Six percent of the Dutch population aged 12 years and over - around 886 thousand people - indicated in 2018 they had never used the Internet, as against 10 percent in 2012.


Time use changes in the Netherlands: The analytical strength of a time-use module

This paper first summarizes the discussion around the construction of a household satellite account and then continues to present the extension of the Dutch National Accounts with a time-use module....


Economic growth of 1.9 percent in Q3 2021

The gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 1.9 percent in Q3 2021 relative to the previous quarter.


Explosive growth in use of CBS open data

More than 3.2 million CBS open data retrievals in the second quarter of 2018 alone


Half of imports from the UK not for domestic use

In 2018, the Netherlands imported 26.4 billion euros worth of goods from the United Kingdom. This amount was only higher in 2012 and 2013.


Well-being; core indicators, background characteristics

(Un)happiness and (dis)satisfaction with aspects of life Gender, age, migration background and other characteristics


Trade deficit with the US narrower in 2018

In 2018, Dutch companies exported goods to the United States to a total of 23.7 billion euros, i.e. 20 percent up on the previous year.


Excess mortality again in September

In September, weekly mortality was higher than expected. There was excess mortality in four out of the five weeks.


Use sensors to improve Dutch people’s health

How can we make smarter use of technology in Dutch health research.


Nowcasting using linear time series filters

Nowcasting using linear time series filters


PEV fleet keeps growing

As of 1 January 2021, the total passenger car fleet in the Netherlands stood at nearly 8.8 million. This is over 1 percent up on the previous year.
