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1156 results for traffic deaths
1156 results for traffic deaths

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Lowest population growth since 1984

The Dutch population numbered 16.3 million people on 1 January 2004, bringing population growth in 2003 to 62 thousand. This is the lowest rate of population growth in twenty years. The decrease in...


One quarter of couples married in the early 1990s are divorced 20 years later

One in six couples who married around 1970 were divorced 20 years later. The ratio for couples married in the early 1990s will be one in four.


Integration framework

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) follows the Europeasn definition of an enterprise.


Housing and energy costs weigh heavy on lowest incomes

Housing costs constitute the most significant part of the average household budget. Proportionally, the lowest income brackets spend most on housing.


more and more underage children live with one parent

Nearly 15 percent of all underage children in the Netherlands lived in a one-parent family in 2014. Families within which children grow up have changed in the last fifteen years. More 0-17-year-olds...


Short hospital stays, few smokers: the Netherlands versus the EU

Compared with other countries in Europe, in the Netherlands hospital admissions are relatively short: less than two days to have a baby and less than six days for an acute heart attack. The number of...


Growing immigration from new EU member states

Immigration has risen further in the third quarter.


Wealth transfers

Providing a picture of wealth transfers between persons in the Netherlands. Wealth can be transferred from one person to another person through an inheritance or a gift.


Investments of institutional investors; foreign investments 1980 - 2014

Foreign investments for each category of investments. Pension funds, insurance corporations, investment funds.


Lower greenhouse gas emissions despite cold winter

Last year, greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands were nearly 1 percent below the level of 2011. The cold weather conditions in winter prompted consumers to use more natural gas for home...


One in seven employees hindered by administrative chores

Results of the Dutch National Survey on Working Conditions carried out in the fall of 2010 by TNO and Statistics Netherlands show that over 15 percent of all employees was hindered in their work by...


Provincial expenditure on public transport doubled since 2005

In 2011, the provincial budget for public transport amounts to 944 million euro, nearly twice as much as in 2005. In the province of North Brabant, the budget for 2011 is more than four times as high...


Further reduction greenhouse gas emissions

In 2007, greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands were reduced for the third consecutive year. The total emission volume amounted to 205 billion kg of CO2 equivalents, i.e. 4 percent below the...


Greenhouse gas emissions by transport companies considerably higher than in 1990

Greenhouse gas emissions caused by Dutch transport companies have increased by nearly 80 percent since 1990. This is largely due to the increase in international transport by Dutch companies and a...


Business demography according to the European standard

Business demography according to the European standard


Consumption of renewable energy stable

Dutch consumption of renewable energy levelled off in 2007.


Mild winter and economic crisis curb greenhouse gas emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands were more than 6.5 percent lower in 2011 than in 2010. This was caused by a decrease in energy consumption of nearly 7 percent.


Wealthy baby boomers

Post-war baby boomers are relatively wealthy. Households, in which the main breadwinner is aged between 50 and 65, are relatively often found in the highest income brackets and more often than people...


Construction sector hit hard by recession in 2012

The construction sector suffered most from the economic recession in 2012. Output fell by more than 8 percent, turnover by 7 percent.


Turnover telecom sector further down

Turnover generated by the telecom sector has fallen almost continuously in recent years. At the same time, fewer text messages are sent and the use of mobile internet is growing.


Greenhouse gas emissions higher than Kyoto figures suggest

According to the Kyoto Protocol, the emission of greenhouse gases was reduced by 4 percent over the period 1990-2007.
