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3356 results for nature value
3356 results for nature value

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Well-being high in 2019, but more pressure on environment

Although well-being in the Netherlands increased in 2019, not everybody benefited from this equally. Well-being is under pressure in a number of areas: time lost through traffic congestion, less...


Analysis of harbour porpoise data and evaluation of North Sea monitoring

Analysis of various harbour porpoise data for the period 1991/1992-2017/2018 to evaluate the monitoring in the North Sea.


Household spending over 1 percent up in March

Dutch consumers spent 1.1 percent more in March 2019 than in March 2018.


Environmental sector of the Netherlands

What is the impact of the environmental sector on the economy?


Regional accounts; production and generation of income by industry

Output, intermediate consumption, value added, compensation of employees, operating surplus, labour input by industry and by region


Primary energy source

Energy source extracted from nature, such as oil, natural gas, coal and forms of renewable energy such as wind and water power.


‘Dutch Trade in Facts and Figures’: reliable figures to underpin policy

In 2018, the Netherlands earned nearly 34 percent of GDP through exports of goods and services.


The Netherlands earns billions in agro-sector exports

Agro-sector exports were valued at over 45 billion euros in 2014, earning almost 29 bn euros in revenues.


Energy consumption down in 2018

Energy consumption stood at 3,100 petajoules in 2018, around 50 petajoules less than one year earlier.


Real estate (social housing corporations)

The item on the balance of housing corporations referring to the value of tangible and intangible assets. The value is the historical cost price minus depreciation, but also the business value.


Quarterly national accounts; changes

Quarterly data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions. Value,volume and price changes


One-third of GDP is earned through exports

Exports of goods and services generate one-third of gross domestic product (GDP) in the Netherlands. Earnings are highest from exports to Germany, the United Kingdom and Belgium.


Quarterly National Accounts; changes 1988 - q1 2014

Quarterly data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions. Value,volume and price changes


Economic totals per region SIC 1993

Gross value added and labour force volume by region, COROP area, province and parts of the country


Greenhouse gas emissions 5 percent higher in 2015

Last year greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands were 5 percent up from 2014.


Migration contributes less to population growth

Compared to other EU countries, a large part of the Dutch population increase is due to natural growth.


Regional production structure by SIC'93

Production, intermediate consumption, value added, taxes, compensation of employees, operating surplus and labour input of employees by region


Energy consumption hardly changed in 2017

In 2017, total energy consumption in the Netherlands stood at 3,150 petajoules (PJ), more or less equal to consumption in 2016.


GDP Caribbean Netherlands increased in 2015

With 3.0 percent, GDP rose fastest on Bonaire.


KNAW: improve the reuse of public data for science

One of the Academy’s findings is that government organisations are mainly focused on businesses and the general public when making the data they collect available. The academic world is not yet on...


GDP, output and expenditures; changes, QNA, 1995-2017

Quarterly data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions. Value, volume and price changes


Household consumption nearly 1 percent up in January

Dutch household consumption was almost 1 percent up in January 2019 on January 2018.


Household spending nearly 1 percent up in February

Dutch household consumption was almost 1 percent up in February 2019 on February 2018.


Agricultural production in the period 1950-2015

Over the period 1950-2015, the production value of Dutch agriculture increased more than tenfold.


54 percent of deaths in 2019 caused by cancer or CVD

In 2019, mortality in the Netherlands stood at 151,885. This is nearly 1,500 fewer deaths than in the previous year.
