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3951 results for keyword:business cycle
3951 results for keyword:business cycle

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Investments over 11 percent up in April

CBS reports that the volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 11. 1 percent up in April.


House prices at all-time high in May

In May 2018, house prices reached an all-time high.


Dutch consumers equally positive in June

The mood among Dutch consumers has hardly changed in June 2018. The consumer confidence indicator remains at + 23.


Household consumption 3 percent up in April

Dutch household consumption was 3 percent up in April 2018.


Retail turnover almost 6 percent up in April

The Dutch retail sector achieved 5.7 percent turnover growth in April year-on-year.


Export growth almost 7 percent in April

The total volume of goods exports grew by 6.6 percent in April relative to April 2017.


Fewer bankruptcies in May

The number of corporate bankruptcies has decreased in May 2018


Manufacturing output 5 percent up in April

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 3.5 percent up in March compared to the same month last year.


Consumer prices up more sharply in May

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.7 percent higher in May than in the same month last year.


Manufacturers more confident

Confidence among Dutch manufacturers stood at 9.8 in May, up from 8.2 in April.


Manufacturing output prices over 1 percent up in April

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were 1.1 percent up in April 2018 year-on-year.


Investments nearly 5 percent up in March

CBS reports that the volume of investments in tangible fixed assets was 4.9 percent up in March.


Dutch consumers less positive in May

Dutch Consumer Confidence stands at +23 in May, down from +25 in April.


Household consumption over 3 percent up in March

Dutch household consumption was 3.3 percent up in March 2018.


House prices almost 9 percent higher in April

In April 2018, prices of owner-occupied houses (excluding new constructions) were on average 8.8 percent higher.


Retail turnover 1.5 percent up in March

Dutch retail sector achieved 1.5 percent turnover growth in March year-on-year.


Export growth 3 percent in March

The total volume of goods exports grew by 3 in March 2018. Exports of transport equipment, machinery and appliances increased most notably


Economic situation improves slightly

According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation has improved slightly in May.


GDP growth rate 0.5 in Q1 2018

According to the first estimate conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), GDP showed 0.5 percent growth in Q1 2018.


GDP, output and expenditures; changes, QNA, 1995-2017

Quarterly data on production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions. Value, volume and price changes


Employment; economic activity, quarterly, national accounts, 1995-2018

Employed persons, jobs, hours worked, also with seasonal correction employee or self-employed, economic activity


Number of bankruptcies remains stable

The number of bankruptcies was the same in April 2018 as in the preceding month.


Manufacturing output 3.5 percent up in March

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 3.5 percent up in March compared to the same month last year.


Consumer prices 0.9 percent up in April

The consumer price index was 0.9 percent higher in April than in the same month last year.


Manufacturing output prices almost 1 percent up

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were 0.7 percent up in March 2018 year-on-year.
