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2389 results for health insurance
2389 results for health insurance

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Unemployment stable in May

According to the most recent figures, unemployment adjusted for seasonal variation stood at 489 thousand in May, almost the same as in April.


Financial corporations; balance sheet 1998 - 2012

Financial corporations; balance sheet, Assets; liabilities; financial corporations.


Relatively more Turkish women and Moroccan men than native Dutch report feel depressed

Just over 10 percent of the Dutch population reported that they had felt sombre or depressed in 2012, and nearly 6 percent were prescribed anti-depressants in 2011. Feelings of depression are much...


Consumer prices; European harmonised price index 2005=100 (HICP), 2002-2015

European harmonised consumer price indices. Index figures Consumer goods. (base year 2005 = 100)


CBS Urban Data Centre / Heerlen

As of November 2016, CBS and the city of Heerlen are working together in CBS Urban Data Centre / Heerlen.


Wellbeing; education and labour, 2003-2012

Happiness, satisfaction with life, Education level, socio-economic category, main source of income


Annual AWBZ deficit again exceeds 3 billion euro

The costs of long-term care provided under the Exceptional Medical Expenses Act (AWBZ) have risen continually in recent years but revenues fell short. The deficit amounted to 3.3 billion euro in...


Falling unemployment, mainly among youth

Unemployment declined by an average of 6 thousand per month over the previous three months.


Dutch government deficit 2.5 percent in 2013

Figures released by Statistics Netherlands today show that Dutch government deficit amounted to 2.5 percent of GDP in 2013. This puts it below the European norm of 3 percent for the first time in...


Unemployment continues downward trend

Unemployment declined by 13 thousand per month over the previous three months, ending at 502 thousand in October.


Supply and use; products of activity, NA, 1995-2016

Supply and use by products of activity Groups of products of activity (CPA)


Modest employment growth

In the second quarter of this year, the number of employee jobs was 51 thousand (0.6 percent) up on the same period in 2010. After correction for seasonal variation, the number of jobs increased by...


Services; employment and finance per sector, SIC 2008, 2009-2013

Services; jobs, labour volume, costs and revenues, financial results Hotels, information and communication. personal and business services


Patent applicants and patent applications; SIC 2008 of applicant, 2009-2010

Patent applicants, patent applications, EPO, NLOC Economic activity (SIC 2008)


Employee sickness absence increased further in 2019

Last year, absenteeism in the public and the private sector due to illness or injury rose to 4.4 percent.


Half of private sector may not survive COVID-19 crisis

Many non-financial companies in the Netherlands fear for their survival in case of a protracted coronavirus crisis. Nearly half of all entrepreneurs in the non-financial private sector expect their...


Over 200 thousand fewer employed since March 2020

The number of people in paid employment declined further by 24 thousand in May.
