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4273 results for business demography
4273 results for business demography

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Caribbean Netherlands: half of companies use emergency package

As of March 2020, a package of emergency measures has been in place in the Caribbean Netherlands to tackle the economic consequences of the coronavirus crisis.


More bankruptcies in March

The number of corporate bankruptcies, adjusted for court session days, has increased. There were 30 more bankruptcies in March than in the previous month.


XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language)

XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is an instrument used across government agencies to exchange financial data between these agencies and private companies. This report explains how...


ABR: General Business Register

ABR: General Business Register 1994-2018


ABR: General Business Register

ABR: General Business Register 1994-2018


Investments almost 10 percent up in April

The volume of investments in tangible fixed assets rose by 9.9 percent year-on-year in April 2021.


Internationalisation Monitor 2021, fourth quarter, Exogenous shocks

How did Dutch trade in goods fare during the coronavirus and Brexit shocks? How have trading companies dealt with these exogenous shocks and which traders have been hit the hardest? Which...


Participation in energy schemes by topsector and business sector, 2014 (Dutch only)

Custom-made data tables regarding the participation of businesses in instruments aimed at the energy sector. The tables are available upon request. Commissioned by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency...


Non-profit institution serving businesses (NPISB)

A private non-profit institution where over 50 % of the production costs are covered by sales.


Response-enhancing measures for business surveys

Statistics Netherlands aims to produce high-quality and undisputed statistics. High response rates for its surveys are an important element in this respect. Unfortunately, respondents do not always...


Business panels

The primary goal of business panels is to obtain estimates of the turnover, including estimates of the changes of the level of the turnover. Panels can also be used for obtaining observations on...


Manufacturing output 3 percent up in March

In March 2021, the average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was 3.0 percent up on March 2020.


Household consumption over 9 percent up in April

Consumers spent 9.4 percent more in April 2021 than in April 2020.


Business services monitor second quarter 2013

Turnover in the business services sector was higher in the second quarter of 2013 than twelve months previously, ending the decrease in turnover of the preceding two quarters. The number of vacancies...


Business services monitor first quarter 2013

Turnover in the Dutch business services sector was lower in the first quarter of 2013 than in the previous year. The decrease in turnover was smaller than in the previous quarter. Businesses in this...


23 thousand people with a non-Dutch nationality start up their own business

One in six new firms started up in the Netherlands in 2014 were owned by persons with at least one non-Dutch nationality.


The Business Cycle Tracer: leading, coincident and lagging indicators

Since 2005, Statistics Netherlands has been monitoring the state of the Dutch business cycle with the aid of the Business Cycle Tracer (BCT). The BCT is based on 15 indicators. The individual changes...


Starting one-man businesses have better chances of survival

Three quarters of one-man businesses launched in 2009 were still active in 2012. Their chances of survival were higher than for one-man businesses launched in 2007.


Four in every ten businesses use social media

More than forty percent of businesses employing at least 10 persons use one or more social media accounts. Three quarters of large companies (employing 500 or more persons) use the social media for...


Sharp fall in business-related hotel stays

The number of nights spent in Dutch hotels by people on business trips fell by 6 percent in 2008, to 15.7 million. The fall has been continuing in 2009: in the first five months the number of nights...


Providers of business services more optimistic about future turnover

In October, business services providers anticipating turnover growth during the next three months outnumbered those anticipating a downturn. With + 29, the index was higher than in September (+ 19).


Business survey Netherlands; region; month

What is the study about Business survey Netherlands; region; month


COEN Business Survey Netherlands

Introduction of The Business Survey Netherlands (COEN) presents the mood among Dutch entrepreneurs.
