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1383 results for short holidays

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Manufacturing output in decline

The average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry in June 2012 was down by more than 2 percent on June 2011. Production levels in May were virtually the same as in May 2011.


Manufacturing output up

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was 2.0 percent up in January 2014 from twelve months previously. In December 2013, output grew by 2.1 percent relative to...


Manufacturing output remains stable

The average daily output of Dutch manufacturing industry in July 2012 was the same as in July 2011. In June, manufacturing output was still 2 percent down from one year previously.


Almost half a million people unemployed

In the period March – May 2004 an average of 495 thousand people were unemployed in the Netherlands. That is 109 thousand more than in the same period last year.In the last three months an average of...


Manufacturing output marginally up

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was more than 1 percent up in December 2011 from December 2010. In November, manufacturing output was still 1 percent down on...


Manufacturing output 5 percent higher

The average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 5 percent higher in October 2010 than in October 2009. The output growth was up slightly on September. Although manufacturing output...


Manufacturing output marginally up

The average daily output generated by the Dutch manufacturing industry was up by nearly 1 percent in March 2012 from March 2011. In February, output was nearly 3 percent down on one year previously.


Imports/exports; price and volume, index 2010 = 100 and changes; 1990-2014

Imports and exports of goods Index figures and changes


Manufacturing output 4 percent higher

The average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 4 percent higher in September 2010 than in September 2009.


Manufacturing output up 7 percent

The average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry was 7 percent up in May 2010 on May 2009. In April, output was 10 percent above the level of April 2009


Growth manufacturing output slows down

The average daily output generated in Dutch manufacturing industry was nearly 1 percent higher in April 2011 than in April 2010. Production growth slowed down further. Year-on-year production growth...


Dutch hauliers cover 470 million kilometres on Belgian roads

Altogether, Dutch hauliers covered 470 million km in Belgium last year. The introduction in 2016 of the kilometre levy on Belgian roads threatens to cost the Dutch road transport sector tens of...


Collectively agreed wage increase 3.7 percent in first quarter of 2009

In the first quarter of 2009, collectively negotiated (CAO) wages were 3.7 percent up on one year previously.


More turnover, same production

The Dutch manufacturing industry saw its turnover in August increase by 11 percent on August 2004. This substantial turnover increase was caused by higher selling prices and an extra working day.


Care-providing professions are demanding

In 2007, over one third of the employed population in the Netherlands experienced a high level of work-related stress. Another one third had jobs that were physically demanding and nearly one in...


Consumer confidence nosedives

Consumer confidence declined dramatically in August. The consumer confidence indicator fell 9 points to -21. Confidence in the economic climate nosedived, whereas willingness to buy remained stable.


More households at poverty risk in 2008

Lage inkomens, kans op armoede en uitsluiting 2009. It describes recent developments in poverty and constraints in social and financial aspects.


Dutch economy shrinks by 1.1 percent

According to the first provisional estimate, the Dutch economy shrank by 1.1 percent in the first quarter of 2012 compared with the same period last year.


Output contraction manufacturing industry eases off

The average daily production realised by Dutch manufacturing industry was 1.9 percent down in April 2013 from April 2012. The contraction was less substantial than in March, when manufacturing output...


Substantial growth manufacturing output

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was 5.2 percent up in February 2014 from February 2013. The growth was more substantial than in December (2.4 percent) and January...


Manufacturing output up

The average daily output generated by Dutch manufacturing industry was 2.1 percent up in October 2013 from October 2012. In September, manufacturing output was 0.5 percent up on twelve months...
