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4760 results for fuel pump prices

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House prices 7.7 percent higher in April

In April 2019, prices of owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 7.7 percent higher than in the same month last year.


Manufacturing output prices 3.2 percent up in April

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were 3.2 percent up in April 2019 year-on-year.


CPI (Consumer price indices)

Consumer price indices, month - on-month and year-on-year change Household expenditure for all households, low and high income households


Retail turnover over 3 percent up in July

In July, the Dutch retail sector recorded over 3 percent year-on-year turnover growth.


Consumer price index (CPI) all households, 2000=100

Consumer price indices all households. Index figures Consumer goods. (base year 2000=100)


The impact of the corona crisis on compiling the CPI

The impact of the corona crisis on compiling the CPI


Trends in the Caribbean Netherlands 2021

De nieuwe editie van Trends in the Caribbean is uit. Vandaag om 16.00 uur wordt ie gepresenteerd. Live vanaf Bonaire en St. Eustatius, Leidschenveen en thuis in Limburg bij staatssecretaris Knops van...


Household spending over 6 percent down in July

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), in July 2020 consumers spent 6.2 percent less than in July 2019.


Prices public transport rise more rapidly than car costs

The Dutch spend 11 times as much on cars as they do on public transport, but public transport rates rise faster. In January 2009, public transport prices increased by 3.5 percent, the largest price...


Consumer prices soaring in Dutch Caribbean in 2011

Average consumer prices in the Dutch Caribbean rose dramatically in 2011 relative to one year previously.


Exports contracted by 9 percent in first half year

Between January and June 2020, Dutch goods exports fell by almost 23 billion euros on the same period in 2019.


Inflation rate up to 1.7 percent in July

The consumer price index (CPI) was 1.7 percent higher in July than in the same month last year.


Internationalisation Monitor 2022 Q2 – International trade in services

In this edition of the Internationalisation Monitor we provide more insight into international trade in services: how did it develop in the past years and what barriers do firms encounter when they...


Crude oil, natural gas and coal prices considerably higher

Prices of crude oil, natural gas and coal were significantly higher in 2011 than in 2010. The price increase is partly caused by the rising global demand for energy, the Japan earthquake in 2011 and...


Dutch GDP per capita still relatively high within the EU

In 2020, Dutch gross domestic product (GDP) per capita amounted to nearly 46 thousand euros.


Manufacturing output prices over 2 percent up

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were 2.1 percent up in February 2019 year-on-year.


Consumer prices; underlying inflation 2006 = 100, 2006 - 2015

Underlying inflation (baseyear 2006=100) Underlying inflation per month


Lower prices for Dutch sea container transport

Dutch container shipping to and from the Netherlands cost nearly 4 percent less in the fourth quarter of 2008 than in the previous quarter. The main reasons for this were decreasing demand, excess...


Manufacturing output prices 2.5 percent up in March

Prices of Dutch-manufactured products were 2.5 percent up in March 2019 year-on-year.


Higher food prices force up inflation

Dutch inflation was 1.6 percent in October 2007, i.e. 0.3 percentage points up on September.


Consumer price increase on Bonaire slows down

In Q1 2019, consumer prices on Bonaire were 0.7 percent higher than one year previously. Prices also rose on St Eustatius and Saba, by 0.7 percent and 0.6 percent year-on-year respectively.


Higher oil and food prices affecting Dutch exports

The high rate of the euro and rising food and oil prices are having a noticeable effect on Dutch exports. In the first quarter of 2008, the increase in exports to countries outside Europe was smaller...


House prices 7.7 percent higher in March

In March 2019, prices of owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 7.7 percent higher than in the same month last year.


Re-exports and higher prices largely account for growth Dutch exports

The value of Dutch exports of goods reached an unprecedented 431 billion euro in 2012. The exports growth over the past year was largely due to an increase in re-exports and higher prices.


Daily global market prices 2006-June 2012

Daily global market prices. Prices of several global markets divided into product groups. Exchange rates.
