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7774 results for wage increase
7774 results for wage increase

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4,400 new-build homes sold in Q1

In the first quarter of 2024, over 4.4 thousand newly constructed dwellings were sold, which was a year-on-year increase of nearly 34 percent.


Population Outlook 2050: more residents born outside the Netherlands

The number of people living in the Netherlands who were born elsewhere is very likely to increase between now and 2050.


Employment; sex; type of employment contract, size of company, SIC2008

Jobs and working hours broken down by economic activity and information about employee and company.


Diminishing gains in labour productivity over past 50 years

Gains in labour productivity have slowed down in recent years compared to previous decades.


Economic growth of 1.0 percent in Q2 2024

Economic growth of 1 percent in Q2 2024 According to the first estimate from Statistics Netherlands (CBS) based on the data currently available, gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 1.0 percent...


Retail turnover up by almost 3 percent in July

Dutch retail turnover was 2.6 percent higher in July 2024 than in July 2023. Sales volume was up by 2.1 percent.


State of economic growth and labour market in the 4th quarter of 2023

How has the Dutch economy performed in the fourth quarter of 2023? And throughout 2023? What were the developments on the labour market? CBS chief economist Peter Hein van Mulligen explains the...


Rise in numbers of marshland and freshwater birds, fall in farmland birds

The populations of bird species that breed in the Netherlands were more than 28 percent higher in 2023, on average


Retail turnover down by almost 1 percent in June

Dutch retail turnover was 0.7 percent lower in June 2024 than in June 2023. Sales volume was down by 1.0 percent.


Three quarters of business owners aiming to boost productivity

Three quarters of business owners report that they are taking steps to increase the productivity of their business.


More young people receiving youth assistance, particularly teenage girls

In 2023, 474 thousand young people received youth care.


Area used to grow bulbs up by more than a fifth since 2013

In 2023, the area of agricultural land used for bulb cultivation increased by 21 percent to over 28 thousand hectares compared with 10 years previously.


16 million air passengers in Q1 2024

The Netherlands’ five main airports combined handled 16 million passengers in Q1 2024.


Retail turnover up by over 2 percent in April

the Dutch retail sector recorded growth in turnover of 2.3 percent in April 2024, year on year. Sales volume was also up by 2.3 percent.


Retail turnover up by almost 3 percent in May

The Dutch retail sector recorded growth in turnover of 2.9 percent in May 2024, year on year. Sales volume was up by 3.6 percent.


Workers' retirement age nearing 66

A total of 86 thousand Dutch employees retired in 2023.


Retail turnover up by almost 5 percent in March

The Dutch retail sector recorded growth in turnover of 4.8 percent in March 2024, year on year. Sales volume was up by 4.4 percent.


House price increase 19.7 percent in April

In April, owner-occupied dwellings (excluding new constructions) were on average 19.7 percent more expensive than in the same month last year.


Material efficiency not enough to reduce CO2 emissions

The Dutch economy's carbon emissions increased over the entire period between 1970 and 2020.


Current transactions by sectors; National Accounts

Current transactions and balancing items of institutional sectors Sectors, resources and uses, balancing items


Retail turnover up by 3 percent in February

The Dutch retail sector recorded 3.0 percent year-on-year turnover growth in February 2024. Sales volume was up by 2.7 percent.


Consumer prices; price index 1900 = 100

Consumer price index Year of reference 1900 = 100


Number of mammals up since 1995, protected species decreased after 2011

Between 1995 and 2022, Dutch populations of 35 mammal species have increased by approximately 45 percent on average.


Government deficit at 0.3 percent of GDP in 2023

The Dutch government spent 3.5 billion euros more than it received in 2023. This is equivalent to 0.3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), and was slightly higher than the 2022 deficit, which was...


Forecast: nearly 18 million inhabitants, 19 million projected in 2037

The Dutch population will continue to increase in the coming years, but less rapidly than in recent years.
