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3351 results for nature value
3351 results for nature value

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Subjective well-being

What is well-being ‘here and now’? Subjective well-being reflects how satisfied people are with their lives. It is an evaluative indicator that gives an indication of overall well-being at the...


Chinese goods imports down for first time in 7 years

In 2023, the import value of Chinese goods was nearly 17 percent lower than in 2022.


GDP, output and expenditures; changes, Quarterly National Accounts

Production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions. Value, volume and price changes


International trade in goods; change of ownership, key figures

Im-, (re-)export value and trade balance of goods (change of ownership); SITC (1 digit) and countries.


SEEA-EA Ecosystem Condition Account 2012-2021

An overview of the development and improvement of the Dutch SEEA EA condition account. It delves into five indicators; tree cover density, urban green, dead wood, soil organic carbon, and artificial...


Publishing and interpreting data from the monetary SEEA Ecosystem accounts

This report presents data on monetary ecosystem values for the Nethelands (2013-2021) and provides guidance on their interpretation and statistical use.


Internationalisation Monitor 2024, first edition – Belgium

Relationship between the Netherlands and Belgium: economy, innovation, digitalisation, sustainability, trade, export earnings, labour market and cross-border commuters .


GDP, output and expenditures; changes, Quarterly National Accounts

Production, expenditures, income and external economic transactions. Value, volume and price changes


Government Finance Statistics; key figures 1995-2023

Revenue and expenditure, net balance and debt of the general government sector, in million euros and as a pecentage of GDP.


The story

A brief explanation of why CBS compiles the Monitor of Well-being and the SDGs, what well-being is and how well-being is measured.


Greenhouse gas emissions 4 percent lower in Q1 2024

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 4 percent lower in Q1 2024 than in Q1 2023. This was mainly due to a fall in emissions of 17 percent in the electricity sector.


Well-being Factsheets for ministerial budgets

At the request of the Dutch House of Representatives, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) publishes the Monitor of Well-being and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) annually on Accountability Day in...


Government; debt guarantees, off-balance PPP, non-performing loans

one-off and standardised guarantees, adjusted capital value of off balance sheet public private partnerships, government sectors.


Coal and coal products; indigenous production, imports, exports; from 1802

Indigenous production, imports and exports and supply of coal and output of patent fuel, coke oven cokes and gas works gas


Regional key figures; National Accounts

GDP, GDP per capita, Value added, Compensation of employees, Labour input Region


14 percent of Dutch exports are online orders

In 2021, enterprises in the Netherlands exported 76 billion euros in goods and services that were ordered online. This represents 14 percent of total exports by these firms.


Well-being ‘elsewhere’: summary

What is well-being ‘elsewhere’? Well-being elsewhere describes the impact of Dutch well-being on the rest of the world, and particularly on the least developed countries (LDCs). It examines the...


SDG 11.1 Sustainable cities and communities: housing

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11.1 Sustainable cities and communities: housing. A large part of life takes place in and around the home. SDG 11.1 relates to suitable housing....


Greenhouse gas emissions 4 percent lower in Q3 2022

In Q3 2022, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions showed a year-on-year decrease of 4 percent. This is mainly because natural gas consumption was down.


Production process; economic activity, region, National Accounts

Output; Gross value added; Labour input Economic activity (SIC2008); Region; Periods


SDG 14 Life below water

Recent data on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 Life below water. SDG 14 is aimed at protection and sustainable use of seas and oceans. These are indispensable for CO2 capture and oxygen...


Non-financial corporations; non-fin. transactions by type of corporations

Resources, uses and balancing items of sector non-financial corporations Subsectors of non-financial corporations


Earnings and labour volume; exporting and supplying sector (SIC2008)

Labour volume, value added Sector_branches_SIC_2008


Exports down by over 4 percent in May

In May 2024, the total volume of goods exported (adjusted for the number of working days) was down by 4.3 percent year on year.


Exports down by nearly 6 percent in March

In March 2024, the total volume of goods exported (adjusted for the number of working days) was down by 5.9 percent year on year.
