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375 results for livestock farming
375 results for livestock farming

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Slightly smaller pig herd, barely reduced cattle herd

In 2021, the pig herd in the Netherlands was slightly reduced year-on-year to almost 11.4 million.


Land use; main categories; regional, 1900 onwards

Traffic area, Built up area, Forest, Natural area, Water Netherlands and Provinces


Climate and Energy Outlook 2021

The Netherlands Climate and Energy Outlook 2021 (KEV) is a joint publication by PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, TNO Energy Transition, Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the Netherlands...


Water use; industry and total private households

Tap water use, groundwater, surface water, industries, private household. Water use or abstraction by industry and type of water


Decline in pig farming

The number of pig-producing farms has decreased by 12.0 percent from over 4 thousand in 2019 to 3.6 thousand in 2020.


Land use; all categories, municipalities

Traffic area, Built up area, Forest, Natural area, Water Netherlands, Municipalities


Less protein crop farming in the Netherlands

Cultivation of protein crops such as alfalfa, field beans and soybeans has decreased this year.


Lower renewable energy share despite more solar and wind energy

In 2021, renewable energy accounted for 12 percent of total energy consumption in the Netherlands.


Dutch well-being: natural environment and social relations under pressure

Quality of life in the Netherlands today, well-being ‘here and now’, is high. However it not just as high for everybody in the country; well-being of young adults is lower than for the rest of the...


Housing costs of households; household and dwelling characteristics

Housing costs, housing cost ratio, skewed rent Owner or tenant, household characteristics, dwelling characteristics


Housing satisfaction; household and dwelling characteristics

Satisfaction with current dwelling and current living environment Owner or tenant, Household characteristics, Dwelling characteristics


Housing costs of households; dwelling characteristics, region

Housing costs, housing cost ratio, skewed rent Owner or tenant, region, dwelling characteristics, periods, margins


84 percent of sunflower oil imports in 2021 came from Ukraine

In 2021, Ukraine was the largest supplier of crude sunflower oil and maize to the Netherlands.


Housing satisfaction; dwelling characteristics, regions

Satisfaction with current dwelling and current living environment Owner or tenant, Dwelling characteristics, Region


Growth in organic livestock farming

The size of the organic farming sector increased again in 2018.


Agricultural exports exceeded 100 billion euros in 2021

Exports of agricultural goods are estimated to have reached 104.7 billion euros in 2021, setting a new record.


Fewer food products crossing the Channel

In the period January-August 2021, fresh food exports to the UK declined in value by 193 million euros year-on-year.


Household and farm water usage surged in 2018

In 2018, drinking water consumption by Dutch households increased by 7 percent relative to one year previously. The agricultural sector used considerably more water than in 2017 (150 percent).


Gross seed onion yield nearly 12 percent up

In 2021, the gross yield of seed onions was 11.7 percent higher than in the previous year. The gross yield of ware potatoes declined by 10.7 percent. Sugar beet and wheat crop yields remained...


Dairy goat herd has increased again

The Dutch dairy goat herd keeps growing. As of this year, the herd size stands at 476 thousand, i.e. 4 percent more than last year.


Phosphate output from livestock manure down again

Phosphate production in livestock manure declined further in 2018


Arable crop area slightly larger in 2021

In 2021, the agricultural area in the Netherlands devoted to arable crops increased by 1.8 thousand (0.3 percent) to 529 thousand hectares.


Organic farming grows in poultry and dairy sectors

Organic farming has grown in the past ten years.


The Netherlands in Numbers, 2020

The Netherlands in Numbers, 2020 is the successor to Trends in the Netherlands and the Statistical Yearbooks and Pocket Books.


Less nitrogen, phosphate in manure due to fewer cattle

In 2019, nitrogen excretion in animal manure decreased by 2.6 percent on the previous year, to 490 million kg. This is below the nitrogen oxides emission ceiling that has been imposed on Dutch...
