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114 results for lifestyle
114 results for lifestyle

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Dutch drink one unit of alcohol a day on average

Dutch people aged 12 years or older – including those who never drink - drink 1 unit of alcohol a day on average.


Medical contacts, hospitalisation, medicines; sex and age, 2010-2013

GP, specialist, dentist, fysiotherapist, hospitalisation, medicine use, sex and age



Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 16-20 March 2009 (Week 12).


New methods and sources for Big Data research

The objective of the seminar was to bring together researchers from statistical offices and academic scientists in order to exchange knowledge and present the latest methods and techniques in the...


1 in 5 obese adults satisfied with body weight

Almost half of the total Dutch adult population are moderately or severely overweight. In the period 2015-2017, two in five severely overweight (obese) people indicated that they were dissatisfied...


Prosperity increased in last decades

The disposable income of Dutch households was 33.2 thousand euro on average in 2010.


4 percent in Dutch population suffer from diabetes mellitus

The proportion of diabetics in the Netherlands increased from nearly 3 percent in 2001/2002 to 4 percent in 2007/2008.


Population thinks government should take care of vulnerable groups

The Dutch population thinks the government should play a more active role in various areas of society. Especially when it comes to taking care of people who are not at all or to a lesser degree able...


Lower gains in life expectancy here and in the EU

Both in the Netherlands and in the EU, the increase in life expectancy is slowing down compared to previous periods. The largest increase was between 2003 and 2008. The Netherlands saw a relatively...


Many suspects also victims

Persons suspected of criminal activities one and a half times as often fall victim to criminal offences as people who have never been suspected of criminal activities.


Health, disorders, limitations; sex and age, 2010-2013

Perceived state of health, chronic disorders, functional limitations, mental complaints, infectious diseases; by sex and age


Three-quarters of population in the Caribbean Netherlands report good health

Three in four people aged 15 and older in the Caribbean Netherlands rate their health as good or very good. Sixty percent of the population are overweight. Three-quarters of the population had...


Use sensors to improve Dutch people’s health

How can we make smarter use of technology in Dutch health research.


Vast regional differences in overweight and smoking and drinking behaviour

There are regional differences in the Netherlands with respect to overweight and smoking and drinking behaviour as figures from the first Health Monitor, collectively published by regional health...


International comparability of mortality statistics

CBS became member of the IRIS Core Group, an international software system for automated encoding of causes of death.


More and more people with diabetes

According to figures released this week by Statistics Netherlands, the percentage of people in the Netherlands reporting that they have diabetes has risen substantially since the beginning of this...


6 in 10 Caribbean Dutch are overweight

Smoking behaviour, alcohol consumption, physical activity and obesity by sex and age, per municipality in the Caribbean Netherlands, 2017


UN hackathon produces surprising results

innovative product for the general public about the younger generation and Sustainable Development Goals


Type 2 diabetes often linked to cardiovascular disease

People aged 45 and over with type 2 diabetes are more likely to suffer from other long-term disorders.


Wellbeing; safety, 2003-2010

Happiness, satisfaction with life, Feelings of unsafety


Aspects of (un)healthy behaviour; 1989-2000

Trend figures on smoking, drinking, cervical smears and mammographies, by sex, type of insurance, age and highest level of education


CBS and MU: sharing health data in a responsible way

Combining large data files may not only help Statistics Netherlands it could also contribute to scientific advances


Dutch people do not eat enough fruit, vegetables and fish

The Dutch do not eat enough fruit, vegetables and fish. About a quarter of the population meets the doses recommended by the Dutch Health council. People with foreign backgrounds meet the standards...
