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103 results for keyword:statistical methods
103 results for keyword:statistical methods

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Sampling restricted access networks

Collecting information about the structure of random access networks


Bootstrapping structural time series models

A resample method to compute standard errors of estimates based on a structural time series model.


Impact of linkage errors and erroneous captures

Capture-recapture methods and violation of the assumptions of perfect linkage and no erroneous captures


ISI 2017: Focus on statistical innovations

the latest developments in the content and the methodology of statistics.


Measuring discontinuities due to survey process redesigns

This paper presents statistical methods to measure the impact due to a survey process redesign to avoid interruption of time series.


Multi-source Statistics: Basic Situations and Methods

Multi-source Statistics: basic situations of combining sources and estimation methods


CBS and VU Amsterdam: progress through cooperation

techniques such as ‘distributed analytics’ for collective analysis of multiple data sources


Filtering in the Fourier domain

Filtering in the Fourier domain: a new set of filters for seasonal adjustment of time series and its evaluation


CBS, The Hague University of Applied Sciences work on big data

In September 2016, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) established the Center for Big Data Statistics (CBDS).


EU mission visits Northern Cyprus statistical office

advice on the latest developments as well as the quality of statistics at the statistical office of Northern Cyprus


Correspondence between survey and admin data on quarterly turnover

Correspondence between survey and value added tax data on quarterly turnover


Imputation of Numerical Data under Edit Restrictions

This paper discusses a new imputation method for estimating missing data.


Divide-and-Conquer solutions for estimating large consistent table sets

Consistent estimation of a set coherent frequency tables


Removing the Gap between Annual and Sub-Annual Statistics

Statistical methods for reconciling data that are published at different frequencies (e.g. monthly and quarterly).


Blaise: CBS software, unique in the world for 30 years already

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Blaise software developed by Statistics Netherlands (CBS).


Blaise: CBS software, unique in the world for 30 years already

Blaise is a software platform in constant development


Big data and methodological challenges

Big data and methodological challenges


Estimating unemployment levels using a mix of three interview modes

Extending the Materials Monitor with Water


Profiling of twitter users a big data selectivity study

Extending the Materials Monitor with Water


The use of within-subject experiments for estimating measurement effects in mixed-mode surveys

The estimation of measurement effects (MEs) of survey modes in the presence of selection bias poses a great problem to methodologists. We present a new method to estimate MEs by means of...


HSMR 2020 Methodological report

Methods used for the calculation of the Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratios 2018-2020


CBS invents method to map European e-waste

CBS has calculated annually produced e-waste quantities for all European countries.


HSMR 2019 Methodological report

Methods used for the calculation of the Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratios 2017-2019


HSMR 2021 Methodological report

Methods used for the calculation of the Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratios 2019-2021
