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136 results for keyword:population
136 results for keyword:population

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Migration contributes little to population growth

During the first decade of the 21st century, the relative population growth in the Netherlands was higher than in the European Union as a whole. In no other country in the EU 27, the contribution of...


Unemployed more engaged in volunteer work than people with paid jobs

Some 22 percent in the adult population were engaged in volunteer work in 2009. People with paid jobs almost as often did volunteer work as people who did not have paid jobs, but unemployed spent...


Revenues from excise duties over 11 billion euro

The consumption of motor fuels, alcohol and tobacco put 11.1 billion euro in excise duties in Dutch government coffers in 2010.


Germany outperforms Dutch economy

With 1.7 percent, last year’s economic growth rate in the Netherlands was significantly lower than Germany’s 3.6 percent.


Water birds tend to migrate less far to the southwest

The hibernating regions for water birds shift to the north.


18 thousand Dutch Caribbeans

Since 10 October 2010, the Caribbean islands of Bonaire, Saba and Saint Eustatius have officially acquired the status of Dutch municipalities. As a result, 18 thousand new citizens were added to the...


Labour market position of 45-64 year-olds, 2006-2009 (Dutch only)

At the request of RWI (Council for Work and Income), Statistics Netherlands’ Centre for Policy Related Statistics has composed a set of tables with information on the labour market of position of...


More male centenarians

Early this year 1,743 Dutch residents were one hundred years of age or older, an increase in absolute figures by 115 relative to 2009. For the first time in years, there was an increase in male...


One in ten 15 to 64-year-olds receive social security benefits

At the end of last year, 1.4 million people, i.e. 12 percent of the population in the age category 15-64 received social assistance, unemployment (WW) or disability benefits.


Moroccans least often hospitalised for cancer

In 2008, Moroccans were less often admitted to hospital for cancer and cardiovascular diseases than other ethnic groups. Turks were most often admitted for cardiovascular diseases, followed by...


ESF participant characteristics monitor 2009 (Dutch only) - Characteristics of participants in the ESF project (provisional results)

By way of the European Social Fund (ESF), the European Commission (EC) makes resources available to help people improve their skills and hence their job prospects. In the Netherlands, the Agency of...


More higher educated women, higher labour participation rate

In the period 1996–2009, the education level of women in the age category 25–35 has improved significantly.


Income gap between economically independent men and women unchanged

The number of women, who have attained economic independence is growing. In 2000, 39 percent of women had reached at least the social security income level for singles versus 46 percent in 2008.


Number of crime victims stable, more cases of vandalism

Last year, the Dutch population aged 15 years and older faced 6.3 million offences, an increase by 0.4 million relative to the preceding year.


Population growth to slow down in the years to come

The Dutch population is estimated to grow by 86 thousand in 2009. The increase exceeds last year’s population growth by 5.5 thousand.


Dutch labour participation rate one of the highest in the EU

The Dutch labour participation rate in 2008 was among the highest in the European Union (EU). In fact, the rate for Dutch men was the highest in the EU.


Half of Dutch population has a DigiD

More than half the adult population of the Netherlands had an active DigiD on 1 July 2008.


Cancer number one cause of death in 2008

Last year, cancer mortality exceeded cardiovascular mortality for the first time. Cardiovascular mortality rate is declining much more rapidly than cancer mortality.


Population decline mainly in rural municipalities

In 2025, the population in rural municipalities will have declined substantially.


Calculating personal inflation

The website of Statistics Netherlands now comprises a personal inflation calculator. Everyone in the Netherlands can work out his or her personal inflation by filling in the amounts they spend on...


Half of Dutch population think their neighbourhoods are subject to decay

In 2007, more than half of the Dutch population indicated that dog droppings, street litter, vandalised bus and tram shelters and graffiti on walls and buildings were a major source of annoyance.


National  problems hardly related to regions

There is hardly any difference between what Dutch people in urban and rural areas define as urgent national problems.


8.5 thousand Kosovars in the Netherlands

Just over 76 thousand first and second generation former Yugoslavs were living in the Netherlands on 1 January 2008. An estimated 11 percent of these, some 8.5 thousand, can be counted as Kosovars.
