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333 results for keyword:employment
333 results for keyword:employment

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Turnover by employment agencies grew in Q4 2016

Turnover generated by temp employment agencies grew by 3.5 percent in Q4 relative to the preceding quarter.


Turnover and hours worked in temp jobs further up

Both turnover and hours worked in temp jobs increased in the third quarter of 2016.


Number of hours worked in temp jobs up again

The total number of hours worked in temp jobs increased by 2.9 percent in the second quarter of 2016.


Declining number of hours worked in temp jobs

The total number of hours worked in temp jobs decreased by 1.5 percent in the first quarter of 2016


Growing share of foreign companies in total turnover

Turnover and employment at foreign-controlled companies in the Netherlands are growing relatively fast.


Private sector optimistic; employment expected to grow

At the beginning of Q2, the mood across the Dutch private sector remains largely positive.


Economic situation stable

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation is more or less the same in March 2016 as in the preceding month. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that most...


Q4 economic growth 0.3 percent

The Dutch economy grew 0.3 percent in Q4 2015 relative to the previous quarter.


Unemployment further down

In the fourth quarter of 2015 unemployment declined by an average of 7 thousand a month, whereas the downward trend stalled in August and September. In December 588 thousand people in the Netherlands...


Number of hours worked in temp jobs increased further

According to Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the total amount of hours worked in temp jobs increased by 2.5 percent in the third quarter relative to the second quarter of 2015. This increase is...


Dutch businesses more positive about employment in 2016

Dutch companies have a positive outlook for 2016. For the first time in five years, there are more companies expecting an increase in vacancies rather than reduction. In spite of a slight decline,...


Short-term unemployment further down

In the second quarter, 322 thousand people were out of work for less than one year, i.e. 81 thousand fewer than in the same quarter in 2014. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the number of...


European support for helping young unemployed people find work

Over 145 young unemployed people in the Netherlands have improved their opportunities on the job market with financial support from Europe since 2009. Until 2014 over half of the participants in ESF...


Private sector invariably positive

At the beginning of the second quarter, business confidence in the Dutch private sector is at the same level as in the first quarter. Over the past six quarters, the mood has been positive.


Marginal increase employed, fewer people unemployed

The number of employed people increased by an average of 2 thousand a month in the period February-April. Employment rose noticeably among young people and over-45s. In the same period, the labour...


Lack of important new skills or know-how among nearly a quarter of Dutch employees

Lack of important new skills or know-how among nearly a quarter of Dutch employees In 2014 some 23 percent of all Dutch employees lacked new skills and know-how they needed to perform well in their...


One in three disabled hold paid jobs

In 2013, 14 percent of all 15 to 64-year-olds in the Netherlands – nearly 1.6 million people – had a disability. They suffer from chronic diseases, disorders or disabilities restricting their...


Monitor artists and arts graduates (Dutch Only)

Paper and tables on various aspects of the labour market position of artists, people with creative jobs, and intermediate and higher level arts graduates. Commissioned by: Ministry of Education,...


more second-job holders

Statistics Netherlands announced today that last year 467 thousand employees had two jobs. The share of second-job holders has risen to 7.6 percent of all employees.


slightly more jobs and vacancies in third quarter

According to the labour market review, the cautious recovery of the labour market continued in the third quarter of 2014.


More difficult for young unemployed to find work

Statistics Netherlands announced today that nearly 100 thousand young people in the 15-26 age bracket, who no longer participated in education or training programmes were unemployed in the first...


Randstad region and central part of the Netherlands attract many job seekers

In 2013, nearly 850 thousand people were less than one year active in their current job. Nearly a quarter of a million of these people were working outside their region of residence.


Fewer social security claimants find work

The proportion of social security claimants who found a new job declined further last year. Since the start of the survey in 2007, the proportion has never been so low.
