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95 results for keyword:employed labour force
95 results for keyword:employed labour force

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More older people working

The labour participation of over-50s in the Netherlands has risen substantially in recent years. Among the over-65s, it has even doubled since 2001.


Male part-timers more often than women decide to increase their working hours

Nearly one in twelve people in work would like to increase their working hours. Male part-timers more often want to increase their working hours than women and they appear to be more successful in...


Self-employed hardly worked less in 2009

Nearly 960 thousand people in the Netherlands were self-employed in 2009, of whom 630 thousand did not employ others. In spite f the economic crisis they hardly worked less last year.


Lower educated people more pessimistic about finding jobs

In the third quarter of 2009, more than 40 thousand people, i.e. 5 thousand more than one year previously, would like to have paid jobs, but were not actively seeking, because they thought their...


Dutch youngsters often work evenings and weekends

Nearly six out of ten Dutch employees worked irregular hours in 2008. Relatively more men than women, and more young than older employees had irregular working hours.


Declining growth self-employed without personnel

In 2008, there were more than 640 thousand self-employed without personnel (ZZP workers) in the Netherlands. Their number has risen sharply over the past twelve years but in the second quarter of...


Unemployment rising

Unemployment averaged 285 thousand in the period October-December 2008, i.e. 3.7 percent of the labour force.


Part-time work force grows faster than full-time work force

In the second quarter of 2008, the employed labour force included 7.4 million persons. Employment has risen continually since the fourth quarter of 2005. The part-time labour force is growing far...


More people working on permanent contracts

In the fourth quarter of 2007, the employed labour force comprised 7.3 million people. Approximately 5.8 million were employed on a permanent basis, nearly 570 thousand worked flexible hours.


Labour and leisure time

Latest figures on distribution of well-being ‘here and now’. How is well-being distributed in terms of labour and leisure time? The kind of work people do often determines their quality of life....
