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1843 results for energy transition
1843 results for energy transition

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Nearly 7 percent more rail freight transport in 2021

In 2021, 42.6 million tonnes of goods were transported over Dutch railways. This is 6.5 percent up on the previous year.


China third-largest supplier of plug-in electric vehicles in 2023

The third-largest number of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) in 2023 came from China, after Germany and Belgium.


Trade in goods; border crossing, SITC (5 digit, division 75-97)

Import and export value of goods (border crossing); SITC (5 digit, division 75-97) and countries.


Dutch well-being: natural environment and social relations under pressure

Quality of life in the Netherlands today, well-being ‘here and now’, is high. However it not just as high for everybody in the country; well-being of young adults is lower than for the rest of the...


CBS Multi-annual Programme 2024-2028

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has made plans for the future based on discussions with stakeholders. The results are described in this Multi-annual Programme for 2024-2028.


Trade in goods; border crossing, SITC (5 digit, division 00-43)

Import and export value of goods (border crossing); SITC (5 digit, division 00-43) and countries.


Trade in goods; border crossing, SITC (5 digit, division 51-65)

Import and export value of goods (border crossing); SITC (5 digit, division 51-65) and countries.


Trade in goods; border crossing, SITC (5 digit, division 66-74)

Import and export value of goods (border crossing); SITC (5 digit, division 66-74) and countries.


More and more renewable energy from biomass

In 2020, the consumption of energy from biomass resources such as biogas, biopetrol, the green part of household waste or wood products rose by 10 percent on the previous year, reaching a total of...


Ecosystem extent account; types of ecosystems, region

Area of different ecosystem types in the Netherlands in square kilometres per province


Environmental sector keeps growing in importance

In 2021, the Dutch environmental sector represented a value added of 22.3 billion euros, contributing roughly 2.6 percent to gross domestic product (GDP).


Lower fresh water usage, sewage treatment up to par

In 2021, 4.3 percent less fresh surface water and groundwater was abstracted compared to the previous year.


Developing a material flow monitor for the Netherlands from national statistical data

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) developed a Material Flow Monitor (MFM) that captures national resource extraction, imports and exports, product flows between economic sectors, as well as emissions and...


Water use; industry and total private households

Tap water use, groundwater, surface water, industries, private household. Water use or abstraction by industry and type of water


Dwellings and non-residential stock; changes, utility function, regions

Residence stock, new built, demolition, additions, withdrawals, balance Housing, non-residential, use function, municipalities, periods


Netherlands is second-largest exporter and importer of goods in EU

The Netherlands is the second-largest importer and exporter of goods in the European Union, after Germany.


Municipal budgets; income and expenditures by region and size class

Budgeted expenditures and revenues per task (policy area) in millions of and in euros per inhabitant by region and size class


Number of vintage cars up by a quarter in last five years

The Netherlands now has more classic cars – cars that are 40 years old or more


Netherlands is EU’s largest beer exporter, Belgium exports the most fries

Both the Netherlands and Belgium are major exporters of beer, frozen potato products (particularly potato fries) and chocolate


Inflation rate down to 7.6 percent in January

The consumer price index (CPI) was 7.6 percent higher in January than in the same month last year.


Structural Time Series Models for Consumer Confidence indicators

A time series model to improve the accuracy of estimates about consumer confidence


China top supplier of products containing critical raw materials

China is the largest supplier of products that contain critical raw materials (CRMs), such as solar panels.


Circularity of the Dutch economy has barely increased

Of all natural resources that were deployed in the Dutch economy in 2020, 13 percent consisted of recycled materials. This percentage is virtually the same as in 2014. In terms of recycling, the...


Inflation rate 9.6 percent in December

The consumer price index (CPI) was 9.6 percent higher in December than in the same month last year.


Exploring the GK price index

The present paper is about a particular type of price index, called the GK price index (named after Geary and Khamis) and some of its variants. Some of their properties are investigated.
