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148 results for Romania
148 results for Romania

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Increased cultivation of protein crops

The agricultural area utilised for the cultivation of protein crops in the Netherlands stood at 9 thousand hectares in 2018,, an increase of 38 percent relative to 2008 (5.6 hectares).



Background file on population and immigration.


Dutch prices show steepest rise within the eurozone

In March 2019, consumer prices in the Netherlands rose twice as fast as the rate across the eurozone. The gap between Dutch and eurozone CPI-based inflation has widened


Arco van Strien of Statistics Netherlands has been awarded

The European Bird Census Council held its 19th congress Bird Numbers in Cluj, Romania on 16-21 September 2013. On the occasion of this congress, attended by some 250 participants form across Europe,...


Investing abroad and trade relationships

Over half of enterprises outside the service sector with stakes in a foreign business in 2014 also maintained a trade relationship with the country where that business is located.


Marginal growth East European workers

In September 2009, there were 117 thousand workers from East European EU countries in the Netherlands, an increase by 5 thousand relative to one year previously. Although the rapid growth observed in...


European Union

What is the European Union

The European Union is a cooperation of European states, established under this name in 1993 by the Treaty of Maastricht. It began in the 1950's with an economic...


Asylum requests; international 1990-2009

Requests for asylum submitted in a selection of countries countries


More immigrants than emigrants

In the first six months of 2008, the population increased by nearly 30 thousand, because more people arrived in the Netherlands than left the country.


International road haulage over 4 percent up in 2017

In 2017, 199 million tonnes of goods were transported by road from and to the Netherlands. This is an increase of 4.3 percent on the previous year.


Dwindling number of pigs in most EU countries

The number of pigs fell in most EU countries in the last decade, although in some countries it increased. Pig numbers increased most in Germany and Spain. The Netherlands also saw an increase in the...


Dutch inflation equals European average

According to the European definition, inflation in the Netherlands was 1.0 percent in 2009. This is the same as the average for the European Union.


Labour migration to the Netherlands continues to grow

In 2007, some 80 thousand non-Dutch immigrants entered the Netherlands. Finding a job was the main motive.


Eurozone GDP up by 0.3 percent in second quarter

Economic growth (GDP) in the euro area, EU and other countries in Q2 2016


Income inequality level stable in 2011

Income differences in the Netherlands remained stable in 2011 relative to the preceding year. The gap between rich and poor households has barely changed since 2001.


4% of youth not in employment, education or training

In 2017, 4 percent of young people in the Netherlands were neither in employment nor in education or training (NEET). This percentage is fairly stable and lower than in other EU countries.


Euro area GDP up by 0.3 percent in third quarter

GDP in the euro area rose by 0.3 percent in the third quarter of 2016.


Public debts of Ireland and the Netherlands rise rapidly

Public debt in the Netherlands grew by 87 billion euro to 346 billion euro last year. Government debt as a percentage of GDP has increased by 12.6 percentage points and amply exceeds the EU average...


Net population growth 81 thousand

In 2008, net population growth in the Netherlands was more than 81 thousand, i.e. 34 thousand more than in 2007.


Dutch among the most positive Europeans

After the Fins, the Swedes and the Danes, the Dutch are Europe’s most optimistic consumers. The relatively high level of consumer confidence in the Netherlands was mainly based on positive...


Dutch youth very active on social networks

No less than 91 percent of young Internet users in the Netherlands were active on social networks like Hyves, Twitter and Facebook in 2010.


Costs of social security amount to 179 billion euro in 2010

In the Netherlands, 179 billion euro ((30 percent of the total amount earned by all Dutch together) was spent on social security last year. Unemployment benefits rose most rapidly by 12 percent...


Dutch among top online shoppers in Europe

Around seven in ten Dutch people aged 16-75 years shopped online in 2011. This figure reflects the continuing increase in online shopping in the Netherlands, and places the Netherlands among the top...
