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512 results for Belgium
512 results for Belgium

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Environmental sector keeps growing in importance

In 2021, the Dutch environmental sector represented a value added of 22.3 billion euros, contributing roughly 2.6 percent to gross domestic product (GDP).


Sharpest decline in inbound goods transport since the 2009 economic crisis

In 2020, altogether 601 billion kg of goods arrived in the Netherlands.


International trade; import and export value, SITC (3 digits), countries

Import, export value and trade balance of goods; SITC (3 digits) and countries.


More electricity from renewable sources, less from fossil sources

In 2021, electricity production declined by 2.2 billion kWh year on year, to 117.9 billion kWh.


The Netherlands, migration country

What is our migration history? And how is it now? For example, where do immigrants come from and what are their motives? 'the Netherlands, migration country' explained by CBS chief sociologist Tanja...


84 percent of sunflower oil imports in 2021 came from Ukraine

In 2021, Ukraine was the largest supplier of crude sunflower oil and maize to the Netherlands.


Dutch economy shows faster pandemic recovery than neighbouring countries

On balance, the Dutch economy recovered more rapidly from the coronavirus crisis in 2021.


Fewer goods, more services to the UK in 2021

In 2021, Dutch goods exports to the United Kingdom amounted to 40.5 billion euros.


France imports 47.4 bn euros in goods from the Netherlands

In 2021, bilateral goods trade with France comprised exports worth 47.4 billion euros and imports worth 18.7 billion euros.


Domestic R&D expenditure over €18 billion in 2020

In 2020, enterprises, institutions and the higher education sector in the Netherlands spent nearly 18.4 billion euros on research and development (R&D), using own and hired personnel.


Almost 3.5 bn euros in goods exported to the Baltic states

In 2021, the Netherlands exported nearly 3.5 billion euros in goods to the countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. This means the volume of exports to the Baltic region is roughly half that of...


Dutch Trade in Facts and Figures, 2021

This publication contains information on internationalisation in the Netherlands. Exports and imports of goods and services, export earnings, value chains, multinationals and investment are covered...


Population; sex, age, generation and migration background, 1 January

Population in The Netherlands by sex, age, marital status generation (first / second) and migration background, 1 January


Again fewer foreign tourists in overnight accommodations in 2021

In 2021, the number of foreign tourists staying in Dutch overnight accommodations fell by 13 percent year on year.


Earnings and labour volume; export flows, countries

Earnings, employment, Contribution to gross domestic product Transactions in goods and services, countries


34 percent more Belgian enterprises in the Netherlands

In a span of five years, the number of Belgian-owned multinationals in the Netherlands has grown from 1,138 in 2015 to 1,528 in 2020. Over the same period, the contribution of Belgian-owned firms to...


Agricultural exports exceeded 100 billion euros in 2021

Exports of agricultural goods are estimated to have reached 104.7 billion euros in 2021, setting a new record.


Inbound commuters often live just across the border

In 2018, more than 80 thousand people were employed in the Netherlands while living in Belgium or Germany. These cross-border commuters mainly live in relatively small rural municipalities just...


Fewer food products crossing the Channel

In the period January-August 2021, fresh food exports to the UK declined in value by 193 million euros year-on-year.


More and more renewable energy from biomass

In 2020, the consumption of energy from biomass resources such as biogas, biopetrol, the green part of household waste or wood products rose by 10 percent on the previous year, reaching a total of...


Foreign-born employees; resident/non-resident, demographic variables

Jobs Employee characteristics, job characteristics, migration background


Service exports to Germany down in first half of 2021

The value of service exports to Germany stood at 11.1 bn euros in H1 2021, 7 percent lower than in H1 2020.


CBS expertise on large enterprises in high demand

The Dutch economy relies to a great extent on multinationals and large companies which operate worldwide.


The Netherlands is the largest beer exporter in the EU

In 2020, the Netherlands was the biggest exporter of beer in the European Union.


Domestic exports to the United Kingdom down by 17 percent

In the first ten months of 2020, exports of Dutch-manufactured goods to the United Kingdom amounted to 14.5 billion euros.
