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11094 results for Dutch general elections
11094 results for Dutch general elections

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Manufacturing industry more positive about 2015

Manufacturers anticipate to invest 15 percent more in 2015. They are much more optimistic about the investment climate than in 2014.


Prices manufacturing industry continue to fall

Selling prices of products manufactured in the Netherlands were 2.1percent down in October from October 2013. In September, prices were 1.7 percent down from twelve months previously.


Decline in exports somewhat larger

The volume of goods exports was 8 percent lower in August 2009 than twelve months previously. This is a slightly larger decrease than in July, but still much smaller than in the months before. The...


Robust growth exports

The volume of exports of goods increased by nearly 6 percent in December relative to twelve months previously. In November, export growth came to a halt after negative growth in October. The volume...


Private sector investments down

The volume of private sector investments in tangible fixed assets was 8.6 percent down in July 2013 from July 2012. The decline was less substantial than in June, when private sector investments were...


No further slump factory gate prices manufacturing industry

Dutch manufactured products were nearly 14 percent cheaper in June 2009 than in June 2008. The price drop was virtually the same as in May. In June, factory gate prices were over 1 percent up on May...


Water birds tend to migrate less far to the southwest

The hibernating regions for water birds shift to the north.


Retail turnover down again in second quarter

In the second quarter of 2005 turnover in Dutch retail trade was 2.4 percent down on the same period last year. For the ninth time in a row retail turnover was lower than in the previous quarter.


Prices existing owner-occupied houses somewhat lower than one year previously

Prices of existing owner-occupied dwellings were on average 0.5 percent lower in January 2014 than in January 2013. The price drop relative to one year previously is less substantial than in in...


Inflation rate marginally up to 2 percent

January’s inflation rate has climbed to 2.0 percent whereas in December, consumer prices were on average 1.9 percent higher than one year previously.


Smoking has become much more expensive within the last 5 years

The price of cigarettes and hand-rolled cigarette tobacco rose by 38 percent over the last 5 years. This is substantially more than the 10 percent inflation rate in this period.


Price drop manufactured products levels off

Factory gate prices in Dutch manufacturing industry were 12.5 percent lower in August 2009 than in August 2008. The price drop was less substantial than in July, when prices of manufactured products...


Sharp rise in retail turnover

Dutch retail turnover was 5.6 percent higher in November 2006 than in November 2005.


Household incomes exceed total household spending

In the first six months of this year, total Dutch household spending was 1.1 billion down on the first half of 2007. The extra money allowed them to keep up their spending pattern and leave their...
